"Cops & Explosions"

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"Questions & Answers"

Our yells must have been heard because sirens were in the background I felt my whole system go down and darkness covered me.........



(^Author's POV^)

The house had fumed down and the smoke was dispersing and was floating out like clouds of mist into a depressing night....the shoes of four walked up to the house and peered inside all four eyes landed on her...no it

Misty was dead



gone out of this world

the sirens became even closer

"We got to go"Ariana said with nothing but ice in her voice

"But Ariana-"

"We have to go now!"she fell to her knees and vomited Emily knelt to her and helped

"We murdered Misty...we killed her...we killed her"Melinda repeated over and over Ariana stammered up

"No! I killed Misty plus almost took all of us tonight...I killed Misty not any of you"Ariana held Melinda by the shirt

"But we were here were accomplices"Hannah shook her head

"I had the cigarette! I told all of you to meet me here! ok it's all on me! only me none of you, so stop it!"Ariana eyes were huge

"Guys go"Ariana lowly said they didn't move

"Guys go!"Ariana snapped they still held there ground

"If you go down were going with you"Emily said Ariana started to respond but was to late as the cops pulled in within the fire truck

"This isn't going to be pretty at all"Hannah voice was a smirked

"Gotta be pretty to be a liar"Ariana voice was laced with ice and hell.


(^Forty Eight Hours Before^)

(^Ariana POV^)

"Now class next time you see this equation remember to always-"the door opened everyone head turned to see the intruder

Principal Powders and four police officers

my body shut down

my breathing held in place

my eyes looked at the girls

Mr Lin frowned and slowly but smoothly walked from the board to stand out from his desk

"I'm going to need Mrs Rich, Mrs Reese, Mrs Field and Mrs Whitefield to please be escorted by these officers"Principal Powders voice was shaking

"If I may ask why?"Mr Lin demanded

"Last night there was a fire at an old abandoned house in the woods and one of our students body was found this morning-"

"The reason you think these girls did it?"Mr Lin demanded once more

"Because everyone here knows Misty Richerson was there so call best friend- her body was found and it's obvious more then one footprint was examined this morning"students opened mouths and shocked faces were hit at us

"Girls"one officer said Hannah stood with a smirk as did Emily

"She deserved it"Melinda voice hung with vain of hell I stood and let everyone whisper and take pictures as we were hauled out the building with words of authority....no-one in this world would want to hear these words not even if the crime was there fault

"You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. you have a right to an attorney if you cannot afford an attorney one would be provided for you do you understand the rights I have just read to you with these rights in mind, do you wish to speak"then the door slammed behind me and South Haven school's view was out of distance and the jail cell was closed behind me.

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