Love at Last - Chapter 1

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~Chapter 1~
   I am awoken by the loud beep of the alarm on my phone. I rollover in bed a groan because I know I have to get up now; I've already hit the snooze button seven times. It's so easy just to melt into the warmth of the sheets and fall back asleep, but I have to get ready for school, unfortunately. I slowly slide out of bed, dazed and groggy, and walk over to my window dragging my feet behind me. I pull open the blinds as the light stings my eyes, take a big yawn and stretch. I stare out the window across the rows and rows of houses and soak in the sunrise shining over the neighborhood. Just as I turn around to start getting dressed, my big sister Ingrid walks in. She gives me a sympathetic look, and holds her hands out to offer a hug because it's no secret I hate school. "Good morning, Delilah." She says quietly. "Morning," I respond.
We moved here- Gardena, California -last summer right before junior year and I enrolled in Gardena High School. It's now two months into senior year I haven't made a single friend. I have one best friend, Melanie, two thousand miles away in Joliet, Illinois, but we don't speak much anymore. I'll get to see her over spring break, but she made a lot of friends after I left, and we're not as close as we used to be.
I reach my hands out and wrap them around Ingrid's waist, squeezing her tight, and she squeezes me right back. It feels like I'm meant to fit right under her chin and we stand there for a while with her comforting me. She has the best hugs, they always make me feel safe. We're like best friends. I know I can talk to her whenever I need to, and it's always been that way. I'm seventeen and she's twenty three, but we've always gotten along.
She gently pushes out of the hug and looks down at me "You okay?" she asks. I slowly nod and smile, but she can tell it doesn't reach my eyes. She frowns but knows that's about as good as it's gonna get. We hug for a second longer, and then both release, remembering we have lives to get back to; well, she does at least. She looks down once again, grabs my chin and tilts it up so I'm staring right into her beautiful blue eyes. People used to say I had my dad's brown eyes, but I wouldn't know, I don't really remember what he looks like. Ingrid has our mom's.
She smiles back down at me with her perfect teeth, "You'll be fine, and remember mom will be home today!" she says excitedly. I immediately smile back ear to ear because I totally forgot mom was coming. Dad left when I was three and she was nine. It didn't really affect Ingrid and I, we were never close to him. But mom got a better paying traveling job, and we were always close to her. Nannies were constantly in and out until Ingrid got old enough to watch over the two of us. It's always a great week for the both of us when mom can come home, even if it is for a short time. "Alright", I respond, "we better start getting ready then" I say while trying to curve the corners of my mouth up enough so she'll hopefully think I can cope with going to school. When in reality, it sucks. But it makes it a little more bearable knowing mom will be home when I get back. She nods happily, rubs my shoulder with a small grin, and then walks out.
I slump over to my dresser, look at the mirror over it and stare right into my reflection. With one big sigh, I look down and away from the lost face staring back at me and grab a bra and underwear out of the top drawer, purple t-shirt out of the middle one, and a pair of black jeans. I walk over to my desk and put my books and folders into my backpack, pick it up from the chair it's resting on, and head downstairs for breakfast. My bag was a gift from mom for my last birthday. It's white with purple and white roses, and a tan suede bottom. I walk into the bathroom and grab my hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant out of the drawer. I attempt to brush out my frizzy hair, but eventually give up and pull it into a messy ponytail, pulling out the little hairs on the sides. Then I brush my teeth, and rub on some deodorant.
Once I'm in the kitchen I head over to the cupboard to grab some cereal. Ingrid's already sitting at the dining room table with a bowl of oatmeal and a banana. "Hey, kiddo, how are you doing this morning?" she says with another one of her comforting smiles. "Not great, but I can't wait for mom to be home when I get back" I can't help but smile right back, and this one is for real. "Yeah, me too!" she says, getting the most out of my excitement as she can, "we'll have to go out for dinner, how's Lomeli's?" she adds. "My favorite!" I chant. Lomeli's Italian Restaurant has been my favorite ever since I was a little kid. I get a bowl out of the cupboard, pour the Cheerios and milk in, grab an apple juice, and sit down next to Ingrid.
   Once we're finished, we both rinse off our dishes and put them in the dishwasher. "Ready?" Ingrid asks eagerly. "Not in the slightest, but let's do it!" I add with a sarcastic smile. I stroll over the closest, snatch my old, black converse out of the back row, and lace them up. "Let's get a move on! I have that job interview today." Ingrid responds. She has a big interview for a walk-in clinic here in town. She's studying to be a pediatrician and this job is her starting job while she's still in school and for the experience. Then after she gets her degree she'll get a job at the bigger hospital about forty-five minutes away from our house.
   I take a few hunched over, long and slow strides toward the garage until Ingrid gives me a frown. "I'm serious," she giggles, "let's go! I know things are tough at school, but just a few more months and you're free! I didn't like high school much either, but you'll get through it!" Easy for her to say, she was the most popular girl in school, she could even get a random guy to tie her shoes for her! At least she's right about almost being done. It's senior year, and we only have eight months left.
   We both climb into her nineteen ninety seven Honda Accord Wagon, which is just about on its last leg. We have to share a car because mom uses the other one, and we can't really afford a new one at this point. I swing my bag around my lap and onto the seat in the back. "All set?" Ingrid asks. "Guess so." I respond flatly. She puts the key in the ignition and it takes a couple turns for the car to completely turn on. As soon as we pull out of the bumpy driveway, Ingrid turns on the radio, turns to our favorite station, and cranks up the volume because it's our favorite song: Can't Take my Eyes off of You by Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. We always sing along as loud as we can as if there's no one else in the world. She always makes me laugh and I get to forget about the world around me. She's great at that, that's why she's going to be great with the kids as a pediatrician. "I LOVE YOU BABY!" she chants as she takes hold of my face dramatically and I respond, "AND IF IT'S QUITE ALRIGHT I NEED YOU BABY" and grasp her chin right back. We both bust out laughing so hard it starts to hurt. "I love you, Ingrid, but you're really a horrible singer!" I say in between laughs. "Oh believe me," she starts, "I know! I auditioned for the school musical as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz sophomore year, and you wanna know what I got?" She asks loudly. "Tree number four!" we chorus with a few giggles.
It's too bad GHS is only a seven minute drive from our house, I could sing in the car with Ingrid all day. "Well, there it is," Ingrid says gloomily. "Yep, better get in there", I reply, "school starts pretty soon, good luck on your interview!" I encourage. "Thanks, Delilah!" she answers happily. "Have a good day!" I unbuckle my seat, grab my backpack, and open the car door to get out. I sadly smile back as dramatically as I can while closing the door, hoping she'll let me skip the day. "Go on!" She mouths through the car window with a grin. I turn around and stare at the building. How can one structure bring so much misery? I take one big breath and open the big doors. Here goes.

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