I heard my pearl earrings clink one by one into the crystal dish, as they joined the rest of my jewelry collection. I grimaced as I looked at them, their beauty marred by the blood that smeared their perfect whiteness. Marred by his blood. That man. That man that I found to be so intoxicating. From his scent to the way he could coax you to do anything with just a few words. I should know firsthand considering I let him convince me to marry his sorry ass. The problem wasn't that I didn't love this man, I couldn't get enough of him. The problem is that I'm not the only one who finds him so intoxicating. This wasn't the first time had discovered him bedded with another woman. There were so many others, like Sandy and Cynthia. Oh, and we couldn't possibly forget that whore Beverly. No the problem wasn't that he was cheating, it was who he was cheating with. The woman who listened as I cried about his infidelity. The woman who always desperately tried to convince me to leave him. The woman who claimed to be my best friend in this entire world. On the bright side he can't cheat on me anymore since they're both dead.
Author's Note: I assume that future chapters will be longer, this story was created in a fleeting moment of inspiration. Feedback is welcomed and i hope you enjoyed this first chapter.