The question

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As I hear him say "come on guys let's get the class started can two students to go up and try to fight  and then I will do a demonstration on one student." We all shakes out hands, I am a small Yandere but I am strong. I can't help but to see Budo  not looking at the fight and looking at me.
[end of class]
As I got out of the dressing room I see budo cleaning by himself they all had left so I wanted to help him. I ask "can I help you clean?" He replies "if u want to" I start to dust. Being short did not help I could not get off a award off of the shelf to clean off I can't find a chair to stand on so I try my tippy toes but no luck budo could tell I needed help getting the award down so he asks "do u want me to pick you up?" I reply "can u even lift me?" And he says "yes I can" so I say "ok you can pick me up".
He grabs my hips and lifts me up his hands were so soft but I had a feeling that he was looking up my skirt. He puts me down on the ground I say "Thank you" "no problem"
I go and grab wax to make the award shine I feel the same hands on my hips wrapped around me I blush as he says "you know your cute" I say nothing but blush my face like a rose "will you be my girl friend?" I say "yes"

Budo loves me ( Yandere x budo ) Where stories live. Discover now