Chapter 1~ first day back

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Becca's POV
The night before the first day back at school, and it's crazy how much I've missed being in school with all my friends including the perfect girl named Miranda Collins aka my best friend. She's been in my life for as long as I remember, our moms were best friends during they're college years.

Speak of the devil, I pick up my phone and answer the call.

"HEYYYYY GIRL!!!!" Miranda screamed on the other end of the line. I pulled the phone away from my ear.
"Jeez, can you be any louder? Wait actually don't answer that." She giggled, "Are you ready for tomorrow?? The first day back and I'm completely not ready."
"How are you not ready you went shopping 5 days in a row." I laughed. "I guess you're right, well I gotta go before my bitchy mom comes up here and yells at me for being awake, buhhh-byeeeeee."

She hung up before I could get another word out. Well I guess I need to get some rest, I looked at my phone to check the time. "2:45am" Omg I gotta be up in 4 hours, great first day back and I'm going to be tired. I laid down in my bed, covered up and started falling asleep.

I wake up to my little sister pushing me out of bed. I sit up and look up at Kristy sitting on my bed, looking down smiling at me.
"You didn't have to do that." Standing up and pushing her back on my bed.
"I know, but you weren't waking up so I improvised." She giggled.
I walked to the bathroom and took a hot shower. When I got out, I dried and straightened my hair, I put a little mascara on with a nude shades of eye shadow. I opened the bathroom door, in a towel and walked to my room, to my closet.
Hmmm I wonder what I'll wear... I look over and grab a plain gray v-neck shirt and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. Oooooo my new black vans are on my desk.
I put my clothes on and slip on my new vans. I grab my bag and car keys, and run down the stairs. Mmmm what's that amazing smell.
I walk into the kitchen to find my twin brother Brandon cooking bacon and eggs.
"Good morning my amazing brother of mine" smiles. He puts a plate of food in front of me.
"Good morning sis, here cuz I know that's why you came in here." I start eating, "thank you."

"Come on Brandon! We can't be late the first day lets gooooo!" I yell from the car. Jeez how long does it take for him to grab a few things.
Brandon finally walked out of the house and got in the car. I put it in reverse, pulled out of the drive way, then put it in drive and drove to school.

As I put the car in park, Brandon was already out the door and racing off to the football team. You could of said goodbye, ass.
I got out of the car, grabbed my bag, shut the door and locked my car. I started walking to the front door, when someone attacks me with a huge hug.
"Mirandaaaa!!!!" I laugh.
"Beccaaaaaaaa!!!" She yelled back. We started walking to our first period class, which we have together. I walk to my new locker to put my things away.
    "So Miranda, are you ready for your worst class?" I giggled.
    "It's hard man! Math has never made sense to me, you know that." She pouted. Jeez she can be such a child sometimes.
     "I know, but come on let's head that way." I shut my locker and turned around, bumping into Jake Henderson, aka the biggest player in the school. I looked up at him, at least you could do is help me up.
    I start getting up when I see his hand out, I gladly take it as he sweetly smiles at me.
     "I'm sorry, are you ok?" He looked concerned. I smile, "Yeah, I'm fine."
     "Let me walk you to class as my apology." I look over to see that everyone was already in class including Miranda, whom I didn't even see walk off.
     "Thank you Jake. Btw I'm.." He interrupts me, "Becca, Right?" I look at him. Well of course he would know my name I'm a star athlete, but why is my heart racing for no reason? I hate being a teenager sometimes.
    "Yeah, actually." He turns and we start walking to my pre-cal class. Right before I grab the door knob, I could feel his glaze, just looking my up and down. I turned, looking him in his icey blue eyes, "Is there something else?" His glaze fell as he turned away from me, "Nope." Popping the 'P' unnecessarily. He walked in the opposite direction.
      I walk the the class room right as the bell rang. At least I'm not late, I smile at Miranda who had sat in the back with a saved seat for me. I moved her back from my seat at sat down.

     It's finally lunch time, I stretch my arms above me and pop my knuckles. I stand up grabbing my bag, I head to the exit of my 2nd period. Maybe, I'll go eat off campus today but where with who???
     "Where are we eating sweet cheeks?" I spun around to find the greatest guy ever, Max Boston aka my biggest crush, you know how you get butterflies when you're around someone you like, well I had those times like a million when I talked with max. I mean it's not like he knows I have a crush on him or anything. We've been close friends for over 5 years now, which are date is coming up soon and I have no clue what in getting him this year.
     "I'm not sure yet, got any ideas?"
     "Hmmm what about that new cafe in town you've been dying to try? It's my treat." He smiles. Running someone is running toward us. "Hiiiiii guys!!!" Miranda sings.
     "So I hear that we're going to that vintage cafe!! Let's goooo then!" She chimed. How did she know that already? I swear she psychic or something.
     We run out to my car and I drive to the cafe. We all go in and sit down at a booth with books all around us. We ordered our food and quickly ate it. So we wouldn't be late for our next class.

   After that the day flew by like nothing happened, but all I could think about was Jake's smile. Since freshmen year all I ever saw was darkness taking over his beautiful eyes. It seems like that was the first time I've ever seen him smile, other than pervertedly that is.
Finally the last bell, I quickly gather up my things and head toward my locker. When I started getting closer, I noticed someone standing right next to it, the closer I got the more I stared at this beautiful person, with his black-ish/brown slick back hair, with the bluest of eyes. Why is Jake at my locker? Again.
"Waiting for someone?" I glanced at him as I opened my locker. "Yeah, I was waiting on you." I could see his pretty smile from my peripheral vision. I blushed slightly once I noticed he was waiting on me of all people.
"What did you need?" I smiled.
"I.. Uhhh, was wondering if maybe you could tutor me, ummm if I don't keep my grades up this year I won't graduate." The light in his eyes slowly dimmed. "I would love to." I sweetly smile at him.
"Are you sure? I mean you're so busy as it is." I grabbed his hand, I could feel my heart in my stomach, this feeling was way different from the way I feel about Max.
"Of course, meet me at me house at 7 tonight? Will that work?" He nodded his head and smiled. "Okay, I'll see you then?" He waved goodbye as he walked outside.
I raced to my car and drove home quickly so I can clean my room before he gets here.

>>>>>>>>End of Chapter 1 <<<<<<<<<<

• Im a beginner writer so please give me tips on what I need to work on<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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