You woke at 7, and excited that this is your first day at DWMA.You start to change clothes and walks to DWMA.
You walked up and sees a person with blue hair and yells "IAM THE STAR ONE AND ONLY BLACK STAR YAHOO!!
You look confused and walks away and he sees you "WHO ARE YOU?! You looked at him and says "I have no business to tell my Name,well not yet.You walked inside and see some people staring at you. You looked at them and feels nervous and accidentally bump in to someone. You looked up and see a boy with three stripes in his hair and golden eyes, you start blushing and say "I am so sorry for bumping in to you".He starts to stare at you and you looked nervous.
"You look so symmetrical, oh by the my name is death the kid you can call me kid" he smiled. "Hello kid" you smiled too and see two girls walk up to kid.
"Kid,who is she?" The girl with dirty blonde hair and looks at you and kid. A girl puts her hand on kid's head and says "kid find girlfriend" and laughs.
"You stop her and said I just met him" you looked at her, oh my patty and this is my big sis Liz" you smiled "nice to meet you two".