You and I

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Carter was busy baking many goods. He loved to bake and didn't know when to really stop. He had to deliver this cake to some guy named Drake. He finished it up with some frosting and little intricate toppers. He put the cake into the baby blue box and went into his car.

It was dark and raining. He turned the radio on to hear the news "As it continues to rain today keep a watch for crime . A total of five deaths have occurred this week." After the news reporter said that Carter immediately shut off the radio.

"Well isn't that just charming." He commented to himself . He looked at the order and turned on GPS. He followed it until he reached a house. It looked normal. It had grey siding and brown roofing. He grabbed the cake and went up to the door. He heard slight creaking of the wood and felt a bit nervous. He quickly knocked on the door and heaved a loud sigh to calm his nerves.

"Who's there?!" A loud deep voice yelled making Carter jump.

Carter shakes ever so slightly and replied "Ca-Carter sir! I have b-brought a cake that you h-have ordered by a man named Drake." He heard various locks unlock and a tall man with a fresh shaven face and minty green eyes and black hair looked at his meek form.

"Why don't you come inside?" The man motioned for him to enter. Carter was off put by this and refused.

"I'm afraid I can't Sir. I have a bakery to run." He felt his nerves twitch as the man gave him a deadly glare.

The man gripped his shoulder roughly "Stop calling me Sir. The name is Drake. Well I think it's best to not decline my offer." His green eyes gave an aura that seemed deadly.

Carter nodded as he stepped into the home. The inside was gloomy yet comfortable. He still felt very nervous. He was grabbed by Drake and put into a chair "What are you doing?"

Drake smiled "If you must ask Carter, I've been waiting for this day."

Carter felt light pressure on his chest as Drake had said that "How did you know my name? I never give my name to my clients ." He felt that he needed to leave, quickly.

Drake laughed his eyes super calm "Good Carter, still like you use to be I see." Soon men with masks appeared "Don't think of escaping . My men here will just return you here."

Carter saw the tattoo on all of their arms. A creepy face in light. He realized he was doomed "Fright Light. You're the leader of Fright Light?!" His heart quickened as he looked at the smiling man in front of him.

Drake clapped "So smart Carter! You finally get it!" He cackled "Carter is always so smart. Right Carter? Yes Carter will agree."

Carter stood up and saw all the men stiffen "You are insane!" He had fight or flight in him and he decided. He ran straight to the door and ripped it open as several arms grabbed him. He screamed in frustration and quickly pulled out a small bottle of pepper spray. He sprayed who ever was grabbing him. Who ever it was released him and he bolted to his car. He quickly flicked the keys, but nothing.

He heard crazy laughter and an insane face of Drake "Oh you really thought you could escape that easily?"

Carter screamed and revved the car and it turned on and he drove off . He went immediately to his home. He didn't know if he should call the police or just ignore this situation. His palms sweated and he felt crazy "Carter you're not insane! Don't even think that." He said to himself.

Carter decided to lock absolutely everything and brushed his teeth. As thunder clapped he nearly screamed. He saw Drake in the mirror smiling . He turned around and saw no one. He finished brushing and went to his room and went to bed.

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