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                          "The End"
"That was the last time I saw Ethan." I say

I look out into the crowd as they applaud as I close the book.

"Thank you everyone for the support and everything for this book." I say

A lady in the audience raised her hand. I point to her. "Hi so how long ago was it when this happened?" She asked

"Um well it was before college so about a little over 5 years ago.", I smile," another question." I say and someone else raises their hand

" so did you ever tell him that you remember, because he would come back for holidays right?" She says and sits down

"Actually he did the first time but I was still at school because I had a huge article that had to come out, but he never came back after that." I said

Question after question comes at me. "Lexi Jackson can only take two more questions." My manager says

He points at one lady. "What ever happened to jasper."She asks

"Well me and him are great friends and we talk but he is actually serving our country." I say with a tear roll down my face.

"One more question. Um you sir in the back." He says and point but I can't see him.

"Why didn't you ever get in touch with him and tell him?" The unknown man asks

"Great question. I have tried but I cant get myself to the third ring. Inside I still miss everything we had together." I say. "Everyone I will be back to sign books thank you."

I get up and walk with my manager. "There is a reporter over there and they would like to talk to you." He says and I walk over to a man with his back facing me.

"Hello I'm Lexi Jackson. You wanted to interview me." I say and the guy turns around and I'm hit with a bunch of bricks.

"Hi I'm Jake Anderson."He says "So this book is a true story about the guy you fell in love with, but it all ended where he never found out you remembered. Why did you right it?" He asks

"Well i was just writing it to always have it in case something happened to my memory again. Then my room mate read it and told me I had to right a book about it." I say with a smile

"When you say lose your memory again your talking about what your cancer did right?" He ask

"Yes and I'm very lucky because I was told I only had a few months left but I got healthy and had more treatments and now I'm 100% cancer free." I say feeling the happiness I feel inside.

"One last question. If you saw Ethan today what would you tell him?" He says and I just spit it all out.

"Well I have actually have what I'm going to say ready. I'll say, I'm so sorry I have missed you after all theses years. I should have gone after you when you left. I love you I always have." I say and tears form in my eyes.

"Well thank you Lexi.  Cut!" He says," great job to make yourself about to cry it really helps." He says and walks away

He walks away and the camera guy drops something. I grab it. "Oh here you g.... Oh my god." Everything comes out as soon as I see his face. "I'm so sorry." I say

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