Restricted Chapter/s - Undiscovered Territory.

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Written by - elenamoreno25


Klaus’s POV

“I…I love you “ she whispers in a shaky voice.

I smile, but couldn’t help but worry about her uncertainty.

“I’m in love with you too” I murmured, as her forehead was still pressed to mine. I studied her face and then looked deep into her eyes, those eyes that have captivated me for so long now. She’s like an open book to me, letting me see deep into her soul. I saw the love she felt for me combined with her fear for losing her virginity.

I made her yelp as I flip her under me. Then I got off her and stood up. I felt her confusion as she covered her breasts with her hands, but I raised my hand as I went and stood in front of the bed and leaned on the wall. I smirked and undid my pants- since she had already removed my shirt.

Then there I was standing in front of her wearing nothing but my briefs. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I began.

“I want you to understand one thing. I know you worry about everything Angel. I do understand that. I will not pressure you to make love to me until you are ready, but just know one thing. When you are ready, I will be gentle. Like you, I feel like a virgin in the sense of the word. Although I’ve been with a lot of girls, never has there been a connection like the one I have with you.

"So with you, for the first time in my life I will make love. I know I act tough, well what the hell I am tough.” I smirk.

“But you always manage to break down all my walls, with just one touch, with one look. I know you feared loving an Alpha especially after what you went through with that ass, but just remember, we are in this 100% together. I’ve never given my heart to anyone, but I’ll give it to you without a second thought, because I trust you with all I have.” I felt a smile slightly creeping its way across my lips. 

I had kept my eyes closed as I talked to her, as I poured my heart out to her, then I felt a delicate hand on my chest and as I opened my eyes my breath caught in my throat.

There stood my Angel before me trembling, gloriously naked. I saw her tremble more as my eyes involuntarily roamed every inch of her delectable body. As my eyes travelled up and to her breasts, I felt my cock strain against the restraints of my pants.

I swallowed and continued looking up until I was looking her in the eyes. “I’m ready” she whispered.

That was all it took for me to close the distance and devour her mouth with a kiss so scorching hot I feared the fire alarm would go off. My hands spanned her back; shoulder blade to shoulder blade, as I pressed her body to mine. I couldn’t believe it. My Angel had come to me of her own free will. Without me touching her and making her body burn for me, but by opening up to her and telling her she was my whole world.

I continued to kiss her and my body yearned for more as it went crazy having her nipples all hard and rubbing on my chest. She moaned and I lowered my hands and cupped her ass cheeks bringing her core closer to me. She ground herself to me and I clenched my teeth. Man, she has no idea what she’s doing to me. I fought to control my wolf, who threatened to surface and finally claim what’s ours, but no I must do this right and show her just how much I love her.

I pulled my head back as I broke the kiss that left us both panting for air. I backed her up slowly until she hit the bed with the back of her legs. I was still maintaining eye contact. Not wanting her to realize she was naked in front of me and try to cover up.

Restricted Chapter/s - Undiscovered Territory.Where stories live. Discover now