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A 14 year old girl named "Courtney" always thought she was ugly and no one would ever want her. She always came home from school went straight to her room and got her diary and wrote in it about how she always got picked on in school for not having a boyfriend and that she couldn't help that she thought she was ugly. But really on the inside and outside she was a beautiful and loving girl. Every single day after dinner she always got on a chat site called "Omegle".Her friends always warn her about being on that site. One day here BFF Amber came  over there was a sign on her door that said " These are my last days here". Amber ran down stairs to go get her mom. Courtney's mom ran inside her room and saw Courtney with a knife committing self abuse. Courtney's mom took the knife away and took her to the hospital. Courtney finally admitted that she was doing this because she had no boyfriend and here mom tried and tried to explain" that there is no reason for you to be doing this over boys". Courtney said" kmom please listen to me everyone who old at school picks on me for not having anyone and I tell teachers and principals but they don't help and I can't take it anymore I don't want to live anymore". Courtney's mom said" I have been wanting to tell you this for sometime now but since I am always soooooo busy with work I always forget but anyway the news is you are being transferred to a new  school"!!! Courtney was kinda happy but kinda not.

After 3 days Courtney was healing from the wounds and was transferring to a new school called" Maple HighSchool" she was texting Amber and Emily about the news. They were happy for Courtney but they wouldn't be going to the same school but they would still see each other because they live next to each other

Amber" so when do u go to this new school????
Courtney" next week why do u ask
Amber" because I was just being myself and being noisy lol
Amber" never mind well I gotta go to soccer bye see ya
Courtney" bye

To be continued

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