The Gryffindor in a Slytherin Tie

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Harry's POV

As my groggy, Monday morning brain slowly awoke, the first thing I could feel was warmth.  Specifically, the warmth of my boyfriend of 3 months, Draco Malfoy.  Perhaps it was unexpected to some, but to us, well, we had pretty much known of our feelings for the other from the beginning.  But certain circumstances force you to believe those feelings are quite the opposite.  Years of back-and-forth flirting, worrying about the other, stalking and eventual forgiving pretty much guaranteed that our relationship would be strong.  I loved him, more than I have ever loved anyone or anything else, and the best part was, he felt the same way.

However, both of us were smart enough to know that others might not be as accepting, so it had been our best kept secret for months.  During our 8th year at Hogwarts, we have had to pretend to dislike the other person, and for me it has been torture.  I'm honestly not sure how I haven't punched Ron in the face yet, but I just pretend it doesn't affect me.  I think we both kind of enjoy the sneaking around too, it's exciting, but, I know the both of us just want to be able to be out.  We haven't properly discussed it, but the feeling is mutual.  We had both agreed last week that if someone asked if there was anything between us, or if one of us was in a relationship, we wouldn't lie.  So this past week, I've been willing for someone to ask, just so that I can at the very least sit on the same table as him during meals.  It's just the little things, it's hard to maintain a relationship when all of your meetings are in secret.

Anyway, by now my mind had woken up enough to know that this tangle of limbs and warmth wasn't to last long for we both had classes today.  I rolled over, disentangling myself from Draco and put on my glasses to search for my wand.  A grunt behind me signalled that the Dragon had risen and an affectionate smile donned my lips from the memory of last night.  Looking past the green hangings, I spotted it and quickly cast a Tempus charm to check the time. 

"Fuck.  FUCK.  Draco, get up, breakfast has already started!"  I yell as I try to pick out my things from the clothes thrown hastily on the floor.  The dim morning light isn't helping but I grab everything I need and throw it on.  On the other side of the bed, he does the same, muttering profanities under his breath as he goes.  I grab my bag, give him a quick peck on the lips and and a 'Love you' before I head out of the 8th year dorms, careful to make sure nobody sees me coming out of his private room.  Shoving my wand in my pocket, I run down the stairs the Great Hall and stop outside for a second to compose myself and catch my breath.  I brush down my robes, run a hand through my hair, rub my eyes and walk through the door.  The usual babbling of students continues as I enter, though a few stop and start to whisper, probably about whatever The Daily Prophet has printed about me this morning.

I make my way to the Gryffindor table and take my usual seat beside Ginny, whom is the only person, besides myself and Draco, who knows about my sexuality.  I had felt that would have been unfair to break up without a reason, she still doesn't know about Draco though.  To be honest she has always felt more like a sister to me, really.  When I take my seat her eyes widen slightly before she quirks an eyebrow at me "Well that's new."  She giggles.  Having no clue what she's talking about, I take a sip of my pumpkin juice before asking "What is?"  But before she could answer I heard a voice from the other side of the table.

"Morning Harry, Ginny."  Ron and Hermione take their seats, though they appear to be in an in depth argument about the importance of Charms homework.  "Morning, guys" I answer, along with similar greetings from both Ginny and Ron.

"Whatever, it's not like you won't make me do it anyway."  Ron huffs before looking over to me, "I was going to wake you up, mate, but you weren't in you-"  he says before being apparently distracted by something and becoming silent.  This draws Hermione's attention who looks at me, raises an eyebrow, and then turns to Ginny who is smirking.  Confused I look to Ron.

" that...BLOODY HELL MATE IS THAT A SLYTHERIN TIE!"  He yells drawing the attention of practically everyone in the Hall, mutterings and whispers are heard throughout the Hall, with all attention drawn to me.  Oh no, I look down and sure enough, a Slytherin tie, I must have accidently picked up Draco's this morning.  Instinctively, I look over to the Slytherin table, but of course he isn't here yet and the whole house is just looking at me smugly.  The Hall is filled with the frantic whispers.

Whose is it?  A slytherin?  I never knew he had a girlfriend

The last one made me smirk a bit, oh if only they knew.  Wait, thinking about it, they might, because if I'm wearing his tie, the he must be-

Oh no.  My head whips around to the doors, not here yet.  Shit I gotta get to him before he comes down.  I quickly get up, hearing Ron's voice "Mate, you better get back here, you've got some explaining to do."  Ignoring it I take a step, but before I could get any closer, the doors swing open.  Damn.  The Great Hall is silent as he walks in, looking his usual put together, gorgeous self.  Despite one thing, the Gryffindor tie around his neck.  He only takes about two steps into the Hall before he realises something is wrong.  His head turns to the Gryffindor table, his first instinct to look for me, our eyes lock onto each other.  We stand completely still, paused were we stand.  The volume in the Hall rises as people begin to whisper.

Malfoy?  But I thought they hated each other? Damn, that's kinda hot.

Though they are soon hushed up by the people next to them who want to see what happens.

A smirk plays on Draco's lips as he catches sight of the tie, before he looks down to see his own.  Turning on his step, he begins to walk towards me.  The entire Great Hall collectively draws in a breath, myself included.  He stops in front of me before reaching for his tie on my neck.  Understanding his plan, I reach for the Gryffindor one and we both start to undo the others tie, before we swap them and I do up his Slytherin tie for him, as he does mine.  The Hall is still silent as he says "Honestly, Harry, you have got to stop wearing my things."  Then he smirks before adding "Maybe next time you be a good boyfriend and ask first?"  I just chuckle at him and pull him to the Gryffindor table.

Harry?  Did he just call him Harry?  Never mind that, he just called him his boyfriend!  What?  No, Harry is mine!

The whispers and yells in the Great Hall pick up again, even from the teachers table.  Ginny moves over to make room for them both, she's still smirking.  Hermione however is trying to calm down an extremely confused Ron who can't seem to form coherent sentences.  One yell from Seamus, a few seats away shuts up most of the whispers "Took ya long enough!"  Causing the Gryffindor table, and a large amount of the Slytherins to dissolve into laughter.  They all know well enough how irritating it must have been witnessing all that goddamn sexual tension between us two.  Draco and I joined in the laughter, looking over to him, he looked so happy and relieved, as was I.  I grinned and he looked over to me "Wha-mmph" I kissed him lovingly, showing him just how happy I was that this happened.  He melted into the kiss and kissed back.  A mix of cheers, cries, yells and gasps radiate throughout the Hall in response.  The kiss had the potential to get heated, but was interrupted by a cough across the table.

"Mate, I get that your happy and everything, but, some of us are trying to eat here."  Ron almost squeaked, causing another round of laughter from the Hall.  Accepting a high five from both Seamus and Dean I realised that I couldn't stop grinning and as I looked to my boyfriend, I could see 'Mione looking delighted at Draco as he began talking with her about the importance of Charms.  I chuckled slightly and put my arm around his waist and he leaned in, I was happy.  Maybe even happier than I had ever been and nobody to take that away from me.

The Gryffindor in the Slytherin Tie[Drarry Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now