Tristan (His Love Changed Me- Competition)

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This is my 'short' story for the HLCM competition

btw I hope you like it yours was amazing I hope this is just as good.


It was her I was posotive it WAS her. Her scent. The way she looked at me. The way I felt.

She was with some other girls sitting in the far corner of the cafe and they were laughing. I knew she wasnt single someone like her could not be single.

She was Petite and fair, her long black curly hair was always put into a loose side plait, Her eyes were a bright blue, like the ocean they contained her darkest most fragile secrets, her plump pink lips were always smiling, she wasn't one for too much make-up she only ever wore blusher and mascarra which made her eyes even more inviting.

From the corner of my eyes (I say corner of my eyes but thats a lie my attention was on her like full) I saw some guys approach them, I mean they were built had muscles and everything but come on, They were clearly not competition. The main guy the one who was leading the group was flirting ith her, he was flirting with MY girl.

I don't know where I got this feeling from but it was a strong feeling. I got up and started to walk towards her, my mind was saying no but my legs just kept on walking. When I was a table away from them I could here everything they were now saying.

''Ahhaaa Brad, Your going to have to try MUCH harder if you want me to go to your little party'' Her angelic voice teased.

''Oh come on why you playing so hard to get, you KNOW you can't resist all of THIS'' He said now showing off his body.

''Aww poor likkl boy got a 2 pack thing go on, N'awwwww just a couple more years and that 2 pack might turn into a six'' she said in that sexy child like tone of hers. ''was that supposed to 'impress' me'' she added playfully.

Now that was funny I couldn't help it but I just chuckled softly to myself.

You know how I said softly, Yea well it probably wasn't softly enough because now the whole table was staring at me even HER. God how those big bright blue orbs and those soft moist juicy lips were my weakness. Dayyuumm they even got my heart beating fast.

''Like your ANY better'' she said winking

She does not know how much I want her. Okayy just calm it's not like she said she LOVED you. Oh god stupid fucking thoughts now all I can imagine is her saying she loves me. Fuck my life. Ive got it bad.

''As a matter of fact I AM'' I said now walking towards them.

NO turn back you prick you shouldnt have said anything.

''I beg t-'' Brad started to say but she cut him off.

''Prove it'' she said smirking ''Go on then show us what YOU'VE got'' she said now grinning

''Nope lets make a deal Amethyst'' I said proudly.

''See now you've got my attention, Go on Im all ears..'' she said unintentionally teasing me with that sexy voice oh hers

''I show you what I got, you like-'' she stopped him before he could say anymore.

''How do you know I'll like?'' she whispered into my ear

''Trust me on this one, anyway you like I take you out. Sound fair?'' I said unaware I sounded like a naive dick.

''Yup I like the sound of that okay pull your top up in 3..2...1...NOW!'' she said squealing

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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