Harry Styles Imagine

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I walked through my house to get to my bedroom after having a rough day at school. All I wanted to do was cuddle with my long term crush, Harry Styles. He was the most popular guy in school, all because of his good looks. He had gone away recently to try out for X-Factor and I think, by the looks of him not being around at school, he got in. I had heard word of how amazing his voice was but I had never been able to hear it, considering he used it to get the girls he wanted, and that for sure wasn't me. Everyone said that he would be lucky to have me and that I would change him but I knew for certain that wasn't true. I just wished I had been there to support him so he could know how much he means to me. I mean sure he's a crush, but I still think I could change him for the better. I went and sat down at my desk, flipping my laptop up hoping for something to procrastinate me from doing my homework. I decided to go to YouTube and check out the usual people I watched. 5SecondsOfSummer was one of the many bands that I loved. Luke was my all-time favourite, and a bad crush, something I knew would never happen. He was so tall and handsome and he was so funny all the time. Of course this guy was someone I knew I would never be able to meet, considering he was YouTube famous. I then decided to check my Facebook quickly. When going through the newsfeed something caught my eye. It was a status from Harry tagging four other guys, about his experience in the X-Factor. I immediately liked it before reading it, knowing it would be good and philosophical if it was from Harry.

An hour passed before I realised I was still on Facebook checking out Harry's profile and all his pictures. Some people would call that stalking, but I just called it browsing. I heard my mum call me for dinner and I sighed realising I should have started my assignment earlier. Taking one last glance at the photo from Harrys X-Factor experience I headed out of my bedroom and down the hall to the dining room.

"Afternoon Marz." Said dad in his usual, upbeat tone. "How was school today?"

"Yeah it was alright" I replied, quieter than what I normally would. I quite often went on about what happened at school but tonight I wasn't really in the mood. I looked to Ella, my sister, and noticed her dishing some potatoes on to her plate. I noticed dad's eyebrows knit together in confusion, obviously noticing my quietness.

"You alright love?" he said in a worried tone. I had heard him call me love a thousand times but it never compared to how Harry called people love. I wish he would call me love, or baby. I would be his everything. He would be my world; I wish he knew the lengths I would go to, just to be with him.

"Yeah just exhausted" I replied, showing a slight smile so he didn't think any more of my silence. Dinner was quiet this night, which was quite unusual; even though I didn't really notice much as I was too busy dreaming about Harry.

Chapter one (three years later)

It was when I heard the girls squealing, that I knew he was here. Harry was back on his world tour. I smiled to myself knowing how far he had come in the past three years. He still didn't really know me like I knew him. I knew everything about him, considering I thought myself to be his biggest fan. I could swear though, some of the songs he sung, made me feel like it was about me. I loved his band members too and I couldn't believe that he was so famous that the entire world knew his name. Every single girl out there wanted to be his and yet just three years ago he was the boy I wanted. I watched their YouTube videos every night, seeing how goofy they were. Louis was absolutely insane and I knew someone would get to be his one day. The other three boys were all gorgeous as well, and they were the perfect group. I looked around my room at all the posters I had put up over the years. Most of them were Harry and I knew it probably looked a little creepy, me having my crushes face all over my room, but I didn't care. i had run home from school, making sure that I could check out my twitter for any updates on what was going on. I had always loved Harry's accent, him coming over from England not that long before he tried out for the X-Factor. All the boys were coincidently from somewhere in the UK and their accents were beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2013 ⏰

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