Glances and Chats

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(A/N: Robbie is seventeen and is your classmate. I tried making this as realistic as possible, so bare with me.)

"I think you and Robbie would be cute together." My friend Jenna said.
"Me and Robbie? Like Robbie Kay? Tall, brunette and green eyed? Yeah I don't think so." I said closing my locker.
"And why not?" She asked me.
"We don't even know each other." I said glancing at him from the classroom doorway.

Robbie Andrew Kay, average kid. Robbie wasn't popular, but he also wasn't invisible. He was just a regular student just like me. He transferred to our high school sophomore year. We're seniors now. And through these years we probably had three conversations by choice, the rest were because we had assignments together. Other than that, he's just another classmate. But I will admit, even if I don't say it out loud, I may have a small crush on him. I don't know why, I know little to nothing about him, but I have an attraction to him. Not that he isn't attractive in a general aspect, he was, but I don't know how to explain it I just have a crush on him. I never acted upon this feeling because I know a lot of girls find him attractive and would do anything to have him. And he knows that, but he never acts upon it himself. I saw a girl throw herself at him and he just smiled and walked away. To say the least she wasn't very happen with him. He's gentleman, I like that. Chivalry has not died in him, good.

"But you could, ever thought about going on a date with him?" She asked me as we took our seats in homeroom.

Robbie was sitting in the back of the classroom with his mates having a bit of banter. Their laughs could be heard from the hallway. A smile crept on my face seeing him smile. It was cute.

"So you do like him?" Jenna asked giving me a look (the face that spongebob made at squidward when he found out squidward liked kraby patties).
"I don't like him the way you're thinking, maybe he and I could be friends." I shrugged.
"Or a couple." Jenna said. "Anna, don't you agree?"

Our friend Anna came and sat down with us and had a look of confusion on her face.

"Uh..yes?" Anna said.
"See, Anna thinks so. So just go out already." Jenna said.
"Go out with who? Wait, what are you guys talking about?" Anna asked.
"I'm talking about Sarah and Robbie." Jenna whispered so Robbie couldn't hear.
"Oh, yeah I think you two would be cute together. Why not go out with him? What can you lose?" Anna said.
"See!" Jenna said.
"Guys, I'm not going to go on a date with Robbie. I doubt he'd ever ask me out and I'll repeat myself I don't know anything about him and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know anything about me." I said.
"I know some stuff about him." Anna said.
"Spill." Jenna said giving Anna her full attention.
"I know some basics about him. Favourite colour is red. He likes cats. He's a coffee lover and a music lover. He likes pepperoni pizza. He's a batman fan. He likes Doctor Who. Number 8 on the rugby team. Some people say he can be pretty sarcastic. He's the top history student in his class. You'll always find in at Five Guys after school. He owns the Ford Mustang by your car. And that's about all I know." Anna said.
"Well, that was more than a few facts. So Sarah, now that you know some things about him, what do you think? Because I think it's a total match. I can see it now, you two having Doctor Who marathons while wearing matching pajamas." Jenna said.
"Yeah and Five Guys will be y'alls place to go everyday after school. Riding there in his amazing car." Anna said.
"Yeah right. Guys, just drop it. Robbie Kay and I, never gonna happen." I said waving them off.

They signed and rolled their eyes, but I have a feeling they aren't going to drop it. While they were talking, I took another glance at Robbie and he was already looking at me. He gave me a smile and waved mouthing "hi" to me. I smiled back and waved back. Maybe going on a date with him wouldn't be so bad, but it's not likely.


I was now in drama class, a class didn't have with Jenna and Anna but I did have with Robbie. My seat was next to Robbie, when I sat down he told me hi and I replied with a hi back. I didn't really have anyone to talk to in this class, neither did Robbie. But he did talk to people sometimes other times he did his homework. The bell rang and Mrs. Hawk walked in finally.

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