Fruits Basket:The next generation-

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                     Heyheyhey!!! This story's about Kyo and Tohru's kid, Ari Sohma, and Yuki and Machi, Muki Sohma. These two girls have been best friends for years. kyo and Yuki became closer. But, when the girls turn fifteen, everything changes, another family with a different curse. The Ghost Curse. They turn to chosts, when touched by the oppisite sex, or under stress, just ike the Sohma's once went through. But, Ari falls for Kyo's enemy's son, Hiroshi Ito. While, Muki falls for Hiroshi's cousin,  Akio Ito. But, will Kyo and Yuki agree? What about their mothers? Find out by reading, here we go.

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