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Camila🍌: Lauren?

Camila🍌: Lolo?

Camila🍌: Babe..

Camila🍌: Lauren Michelle Jauregui don't ignor me! This is very important...😒

Lauren👽: What's wrong babe?

Camila🍌: I have a problem..

Lauren👽: What problem...?

Camila🍌: That problem... is you..

Lauren👽: Wait.. what? I don't understand what you mean..

Camila🍌: I mean.. ugh.. it's so hard for me.. you know? Do you remember, when we talked for the first time?

Lauren👽: Yeah! Ofc I remember . This day is very speciall.. but why are you asking..?

Camila🍌: Cause when I saw you.. oh fuck.. it's hard for me.. when I saw you I felt something new in my stomach.. and this "new" thing were butterflies in my stomach... I liked you when we met for the firts time. Tbh I dated Austin just because I wanted to forget you. I think about you all the time... and.. it's hard yeah.. ugh.. well Lauren.. I love you.. I know it's crazy. I love a girl. My best friends and I love her..

Camila🍌: Lolo.. please text me back...please..

Camila🍌: I knew that was a bad idea.. but Ally said I should tell u

Camila🍌: I hate myself.. but it's true..

Camila🍌: I'm so sorry Lauren...

Lauren👽: Camz?

Camila🍌: Yes?

Lauren👽: I love you too. I loved you for a long time... but I was scared what would you think about this.. cause you're my best friend.. And I didn't want to lost my friend again.. soo.. Ally knew about... this?😅

Camila🍌: Umh...for real?

Camila🍌: And yeah.. Ally knew about this😅

Laurem👽: I love you to the moon and back. You're my everything. You should go sleep Camz. .. so good night babe. I love you. Sweet dreams my angel😙🙈

Camila🍌: Aww🙊 I love you to the moon and back too. Good night and sweet dreams too my cutie pie😙🙊

Soo:D This is the beginning :D What do you think about this?^^ :D I mean.. comment your opinions:D
Stars, comment and veiw makes me happy..

Thank you!^^

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