FrostPudding One Shot

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“You’re not real. You’re a myth, a comic book character, a movie character. You’re not real.” Tom repeated to the figure in front of him.

“Oh, but I am Thomas. Very real.” Loki replied as he stepped towards Tom with a smirk on his face. 

“No, you can’t be. I’m dreaming. I must be. You’re just one of my characters.” he told him, still disbelieving. Tom stepped backwards shaking his head, yet not taking his eyes away from the trickster.

“You know I’m real Thomas. And you know far too much about me for my liking.” Tom continued backing away from Loki until he hit the wall, but Loki kept advancing until they were only inches away from each other.

“You know what intrigues me most? The recent revelation of my sexuality and your willingness to explore it.” Tom gasped as he realised what Loki meant and Loki took advantage of his open mouth. Loki pressed his lips to Tom’s and immediately pushed his tongue into his mouth. Tom tried to pull away but he was pressed against the wall and found it difficult to move. Loki broke the kiss and pulled back to look at Tom.

“There is a striking likeness between us.” he mused as he looked over Tom’s face. Tom stayed quiet, still not sure if he was dreaming, or if Loki was actually real. Loki kissed Tom again, this time on his neck. Tom rolled his head to the side and moaned quietly. Loki bit down on the man’s shoulder, and it shocked him that he enjoyed it immensely. 

“Still believe I’m not real, Thomas? Or shall I pinch you, so you know you’re not dreaming?” Loki joked as he pinched Tom’s ass. Tom was confused. He wasn’t gay, or even bi, so why was having a god kiss, bite, and pinch him so arousing. He pushed Loki back, although it took a lot of strength. 

“Loki, I’m not.. I’m not gay.” he struggled to tell the God.

“Oh, but Thomas. You wanted to explore my sexuality, and now you have the opportunity to experience it first hand. Besides, I think you’re enjoying yourself.” Loki replied as his hand dragged slowly down Tom’s torso and to the growing bulge in his pants. He put his hand down Tom’s trousers and teased him until he was fully erect. Tom groaned at the feeling, throwing his head back in defeat. The god chuckled at Tom giving in so easily and magically removed his own clothes. He stepped back away from Tom, withdrawing his hand in the process.

“Strip.” he demanded as Tom looked him up and down. Loki began to stroke his erection and Tom slowly stripped out of his clothes for him, he was thoroughly enjoying the show. Once Tom was done, he tried to walk over to Loki, but the god stepped backwards, not allowing any contact between them.

“Kneel.” Tom smirked, trying to contain his laughter as Loki delivered one of Tom’s lines. He got to his knees, and it was only once he was on the floor with his hands tied behind his back with some sort of magic that Loki stepped towards him again. Tom looked up, only to see Loki’s cock. He knew what to do, and before Loki even asked for it, he leaned forwards and took the tip into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and tasting the pre cum. He could hear Loki moaning which only spurred him on. He slowly took him into his mouth, gagging a few times because of the sheer size of him. He now truly felt sorry for the girls who had done this for him. Loki began to rock his hips back and forth, fucking Tom’s mouth. It wasn’t long before the thrusts became more urgent and harder, which Tom took to be a sign of his impending orgasm. Loki came in Tom’s mouth, and would not allow him to spit it out. Tom swallowed, and then continued to lick up what was left on the god’s cock.

“You did well, Thomas, I guess you deserve a reward.”

FrostPudding One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now