The truth

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I was born december 13 2003, My name is Samaiyah R Jones. So first my parents names are Kelson Harris and Karen Jones. The first time I visited my dad I was 3 or 4. I know all of this from court papers.

When I was younger about five or six I was molested, they recently did a investigation on it. They keep saying 'yall were young and expirencing'. My mom and I got kicked out our apartment. We moved to chesterfield where I met the most amazing friend you could ever wish for, if we were still talking there would be a lot of shit,drama to catch her up on sadly though my mom kicked me out once she went through my kik. She found some VERY intresting stuff that you dont want to see you 11 yr old engaged in. I became extremely depressed this was the first time I had ever been away from my mom for more the 2 months so I went through a rough patch. On top of all that I found out I had ADHD, attention defict hyperactivity disorder. After that I just didnt talk to any one without my mask on. I have had a mask ever since I was molested. My mask is funny outgoing and willing to get in trouble if it means I will get more friends.

My dad made me wear sweatpants and black velcro shoes because I beat my stepmom. I was forced to wear that and plain white shirt every day of sixth grade from January to last day of school June 9th. During the time I had to wear sweats Courtney's (my wifey) cousin Khamry got rather close to me. We are 3 years apart hes older taller than most 7th graders because he failed. So he used me, and acted like he cared about me.  He would say he cared about me. he would touch me and make me feel special.      While this was going on I had RIS/ISS for the second time in a month for fighting. that was the only time he said hi to me was when I in the office infront of his freinds. Im sure he told his friends. Last day of school I am on the bus getting my body signed i didnt about who was watching so I was sitting in my sports bra while my close girlfriends were singing I look up and se he is fingering another girl on the bus. I feel my heart die and get crushed.

I then started smoking my 12 year old self decided to smoke. How stupid could I be. I had a beautiful voice. I only smoked one but I can tell the difference. I brought to summer camp and me and a friend smoked it at the highschool. I knew that if I got caught I would be in HUGE trouble for it being on school ground and the distrubution of it, I ignored that.

I was only with my dad for 7 months before he kicked me out so here I am back at my mom's hoping I dont have to go to Machester middle because I know I will smoke again. Instead I want to go to either Midlothian or Providence Middle. 

People say girls my age should be worried about what to wear. That is what my mask does. But deep down I worry if I can  it through antother day without adding another scar.

A/N This is how my life is, I know some wont believe some will say I am crazy some will say I sound like sad depressed suicidal bitch. 

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