Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Rookiez for making the perfect cover :)

Hey there! So here's my newest story, let me know what you think so far!!! :)

I love you.

3 words.

That’s all it takes for a girl to practically throw themselves at you. Especially the girls at Clintwood High School, I would know. I’ve said those three little words to practically half the girls in school, well, the pretty ones anyways, just to get them in bed. The sad part is that the girls actually think I mean it when I say those words. They cry and shout insults at me when they wake up in the mornings, but it’s their faults for being so easily manipulated. I mean seriously? Why would anybody believe it when a guy says ‘I love you’ on the second date? Those three little words are all a boy needs when he’s a senior in high school. It also doesn’t hurt to have a six pack.

I strolled past multiple girls, all who would beg for the chance to be my next girlfriend for the week. I had to turn all of them down because I had one special girl in mind. However, I’d have to return to that blonde girl. She was pretty hot. I winked at her and she blushed. I made my way to the end of the hallway where Yliana Martinez stood with the rest of her friends. I had picked Yliana out for this week because of three reasons.

1. She was totally hot.

2. She just broke up with her boyfriend. (Can you say rebound?

3. Her ex-boyfriend was Rodger, my mortal enemy since the freshman year, and it was time for revenge.

I pulled my lips into a smile that I was for sure would make Yliana go weak at the knees. “Hey Yliana.”

She hugged her books a little tighter and bit her lip. “Hey, Case.”

I took just one tiny step forward, closing the space between us slowly. “Man your eyes look extra blue today. I just can’t stop staring, they are absolutely hypnotizing.”

She looked down at her high heels. “Thanks. They always look bluer when I wear this dress.”

“Well, then you should wear that dress more often. You look amazing in it.”

She made the motion to tuck a few strand of hair behind her ears, but there weren’t any strays. “Thanks.”

I smiled one last time before I said, “Anytime.” I started to walk away, “I’ll see you later, Yliana.”

I started to walk away when I heard her call back to me, “Hey Case.” I turned to see her walking after me. I gave her that same knee shaking smile. “Um. I was just wondering, if you really thought that I looked pretty today?”

I shook my head, “No, you look beautiful.” I paused as I saw a blush creep on her cheeks. “You know, if you didn’t have a boyfriend I would ask you out right here and now.”

She shifted what little weight she had from one foot to the other. “Well, funny you should mention that. Rodger broke up with me last week, so I don’t have a boyfriend anymore.”

I frowned, “I’m sorry.”

She shook her head, “No, he was a jerk anyways.” She paused, “So do you think that we could still go out?”

I smiled, “Yeah, sure, of course. Only as long as you’re okay with it.”

She nodded, “I’m ready to move on.”

 My smiled grew wider, “Great. Do you want me to walk you to class?”

Her own smile got bigger, “Sure, that’d be nice.”

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