Ch 5

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Please read the paragraph in the pic I've posted above. Its really important and will probably help a lot of people

I opened my eyes to a pounding headache. When i looked over at my alarm clock I realized i had blacked out for the entire night. It was 6:30am and i knew i needed to get up and get dressed if i didn't want to be late for school.

I got up and went to take a shower.While the water was spraying out of the shower head i could see the old dried up blood pouring off of me and turning the water into a brown metallic color from the red substance washing off of my body.

When i got out of the shower i went and got dressed in some flared out jeans, white t-shirt and a red and black checkered flannel. It was kind of hot today but i didn't want anybody to see the cuts and scars on my body so i would have to deal with no shorts or tank tops like. Most girls would be wearing today.

I went downstairs very quietly not wanting my mom to hear me and start slapping me again. When i get downstairs i see my mom sitting at the kitchen table hungover with a cup of coffee in her hands. I don't make  eye contact with her, fearing she'll get mad. Instead i grab a banana off of the counter, i start peeling it so i can eat it when it gets smacked out of my hands and onto the ground . When i look up to see what happened i see my mom standing right in front of me with an annoyed expression on her face

" What do you think your doing?" She asked me.

I replied with a very confused expression " I...Im just getting something to eat" i stuttered.

" Well your not anymore, why would you want to anyways your already fat enough. From now on things are gonna change around here. I know since your dad left you think you can just sit around doing whatever you want right?" She wondered

I didn't answer in fear of her lashing out.

" Your just a spoiled little brat who thinks she should get whatever she wants. Well guess what, things are gonna start changing around here." She told me.

"Starting with how your only going go be allowed one meal a day. Im done with me getting embarrassed all of the  time  because i have fat ass daughter walking around town." She snapped at me." Now get to school, and don't be late or else your gonna be in huge trouble when you get home."

I quickly walked out the front door not wanting to hear any more of my mothers insults. On my way to school i looked down at my stomach.

Am i really fat? I wondered. Maybe that's why all the kids in school don't like me. Maybe, just maybe, my moms right.

And that my dear readers was just the very beginning of my problems. For next i would have to go to a place where i would probably never be accepted  by anyone. High School. Where my bad day, is just gonna get even worse.

Broken and alone Where stories live. Discover now