The warmth

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The wind flys through my hair as I run through the wood. I jump over limbs gasping for breath. I want to stop but I'm so close to him now why would I let the wolves stop me. My necklace the one that tells me who he is, who the one I will love for the rest of my life is, who will be my mate, is warm but it's getting colder. I give up running only gets me farther away from him. I stop and catch my breath dropping to my knees. I keep my head down and arms to my side.

I can hear them two of them. I sigh hearing them turn in quick quiet pops. I flinch as my necklace warms up. 'They can't be here the wolves will kill him.' I think. I feel my eyes water the wolves will kill me before I see him.

I see to bare feet in front of me and feel another person behind me. The one in front of me touches my chin lifting it till I see beautiful Blue eyes covered only slightly by a mess of black hair. His eyes widen and his mouth drops a little.

"We have found her Tommy...our pretty little mate." he whispered in a rich baritone.

The man behind me put his hands under my head leaning me back against his legs. I'm looking into emerald eyes covered in slightly by black hair. He smiles "she's beautiful Travin." He says breathlessly. "What is your name and what are you?"

I stay silent in shock for a minute before replying, " I'm August and I'm a witch." I whisper this quietly still afraid they might kill me even though I can feel my necklace burning fire against my skin. Spreading like molten lava through my body.

"We won't hurt you August a wolf never hurts their mate. Can we kiss these lovely lips?" Travin says brushing my lip with one rough finger.

"Can we mark this beautiful neck?" Tommy whispers brushing my long, white, curls over my shoulder letting the back of his hand brush my neck sending shivers down my spine. they sink to their knees when I nod. Tommy kissing my lips with rough passion and Travin kissing my neck gently. I moan slightly. They kiss me harder then pull away with happy sighs.

"You have no idea how long we have been waiting for that." They say in union.

"Why did you run princess?" Travin whispers face tucked into my neck.

"I was wondering the same thing." Tommy says his forehead against mine.

"I was not raised with other witches my grandmother raised me to fear all were's and trust only my mate or in my case mates." I say after a deep breath ," she died last winter of a cold and I have been looking for my mate ever since."

"Okay do you have anyplace to go?" Tommy ask his breath fanning across my face.

"No I have been living in the woods." I explain in a quiet ashamed voice.

"Well that explains why our princess only has a bag full of books and dirty clothes."

"What do you think Da will say Tommy? when we bring her home."

"Only one way to find out."

"What do you mean bring me home?" I say confused.

" You didn't think we would leave you here in the woods to fend for yourself." they look at me smiling.

'Maybe wolves aren't so bad.' I think confused as the one named Travin picks me up gently and begins carrying me.

"I can walk you know!" I exclaim upset and confused.

"Oh, I know but I'd rather carry you than have you hurt your feet through those thin hole ridden things you call shoes." he chuckles and Tommy shakes his head slightly in amusement.


So I got this idea from tumblr and I was thinking of writing a book but wasn't sure yet and wanted feedback so here is this oneshot and if it gets more than ten likes ill make a long book similar to this including a long journey and of-course smut fluff and if you want ill make a series maybe have one book including slash or two books including slash! ;) vote or comment and please don't steal unless I get to read it before you publish it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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