Trust Issues (Part 1)

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A faint wind swept across a dark city filled with even darker villians, bringing with it the scent of crime and spitefulness, tinged with uneasy anxiousness. A figure shrouded in darkness bolted silently through the dimly lit streets of Gotham. An inky, shadowed silhouette layered on more shadows, Batman hastened his way through the murky, dismal city. 

Hundreds of feet in the air above the dark knight and the city, a red and blue blur shot through the nighttime sky. Peering down at the dark city of Gotham, the infamous Superman scanned the streets for the one he was looking for; Batman.

The Kryptonian located the bat-masked man with ease, and he began to descend into the city as quietly as possible, his cape fluttering gently behind him as he decelerated. Aiming for a darker, emptier part of the city so he wouldn't be noticed, he lightly landed on his feet and looked about the dark alley, a concentrated look on his face. 

He closed his bright blue eyes for a moment, distinguishing Batman's heartbeat from all the others he could hear pounding in his ears. After differentiating the throbbing of the dark knight's heart, he began to follow the sound, heading towards the middle of the city. 

From just outside the center of the city, Batman paused midstep, his steely eyes darting about the streets as he sensed something strange. The tiny hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, his expression vaguely alarmed as one hand rested on a Batarang. His muscles were tense and his knees slightly bent with his feet shoulder width apart.

Slowly lifting the Batarang up, the caped billionaire narrowed his white mask-eyes into slits. He felt a foreign yet familiar presence somewhere not too far, and his heart began to slowly pick up speed. Someone was here, following him. Someone he knew....

 "Superman..." he whispered, his voice inaudible to all but himself. "He's here." 

He dove into a pitch black alley, slinking close to the wall as he firmly gripped the Batarang in his hand. 'What the hell is he doing in Gotham?' he thought to himself, his teeth clenching. 

About a half mile away, Superman slowed down and turned his gaze all around, studying his surroundings with mild curiosity. Colorful, vulgar graffiti decorated the drab gray tones of the alleys and shaded streets that intertwined through the city to create some kind of dark maze, crawling with crime and felony. 

Coal. That's what came to the man of steel's mind, for whatever reason. Gotham was like coal in it's smudged, dark gray color and the rough, coarse feel to it. Once set ablaze with riot and rage, it can be a powerful city, with violent criminals and villains lurking in every shadow. 

Kal-El sighed and kept following the sound of Batman's speeding up heartbeat, frowning slightly. On the faintest edge of hearing, he could hear the nerve synapses signaling throughout the dark knight, the nervous system signaling alarm and cautiousness and making Batman tense. He'd been sensed. But how?

Drifting out of his absent minded wondering, Superman emerged in the middle of the city, his x-ray vision scanning the nearby buildings. Just as he lightly landed on the ground, a sharp object slammed into the back of his head and bounced off harmlessly. 

He turned around with a look of surprise on his face, only to be met with the icy stare of the caped crusader.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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