The woods is a place of quiet and peace.
Where one can come and rest.
A place were there is no time, it goes like the wind on a hot summer day.
It holds many secrets one will never know.
With monsters and shadows and murderous things.
And story's yet to be told.
so many things are in the woods birds bees flowers and trees and many other little things.
Some of which ill tell you.One of the things that lives in the woods is a hobbit named Arian Matlock, who had brown eyes and blond hair.
A brave man he was.
a adventures man indeed. He's traveled the threw land far and wide in search of many things, and has fought in many wars.
And lost some precious things.
But now he sits at home doing "hobbit things" and some gate watching here an there,when little Tim goes hunting in the woods for wiled rabbits.
But some times he goes to Layana a place of diamonds and gold, a place where many elves roam.
It's a beautiful place indeed.
Very few get to go there.
but Arian is a friend of the elf king. King Ramon.
And some times he is invited there for special reasons discussing the witch of nireon.
And what they will do to stop her if she try's to rule the woods again.Last time the witch tried to take over she almost did. She came at night,no one abroad, to tell of her coming for she put a sleeping spell on all the guards.
And went in the castle to kill king Ramon and his son Darrick.
For she needed there enchanted stone pendents to rule the land.
And the only way to get them is to kill them,or have them given to her by them,which that was never going to happen.
So there she was in Derrick's room,right beside his bed, knife in her hand ready to kill him.
But just as she was about to kill him the door bursted open and there stood king Ramon.
So she acted fast and slits Darrick's throat before he woke up, and grabbed his neckless and disappeared before Ramon could get to her.
So once a month they have a meeting with all the kings of the land.
To see if they have found any thing of this witch of nireon.Many things happen in the woods some good and bad, but the witch is on her way right now to kill the king of elves.
She's getting close and there nothing they can do to stop this witch of nireon. she's right out side the kingdom waiting to destroy, the king that always does what's right and loved his little boy.
She won't wait much longer she could attack at any moment. l
Like a cat stocking pray. And that is what's happened in the woods this very daySo everyone is waiting to see what will happen.
To see what the witch will do.
And the hobbit is sitting in his cabin waiting for the news, when the witch will return with anger and might and kill the king and rule.
So this is what it's like my friend, in the woods.The End