Chapter 1

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It was 1940 when Harry got drafted for the war. We had a great life. New home new lives together. A fresh start. We went to church every Sunday. We hated Nazi beliefs but we had to hide it in fear of what might happen if anyone knew. Thankfully we were great liars. But anyways, it was a beautiful sunny July when I thought I might loose my husband forever.

I was sitting on the couch reading some book about...oh what was it again...never mind that's not the point. It was 3:00 and Harry would be home any minute now. As he walked in I could tell something had him down. And before he could say anything I knew what it was. All of the mail was white except for a distinctly cream colored envelope that he was holding up. A draft letter.

"I-I've been drafted...," he said. "W-when do you leave?" He replied,"A week from Thursday."

" Is there a way we can get you out if this?" I asked. "If we had a million more pounds," he says, "which we don't."

"Oh baby, just promise me you'll come back."  He replies, " I will don't you worry I wouldn't leave you forever, never in a million years."

The next week...

It was the morning of his departure. We got in the car not saying a word the whole trip to the station, me, I almost burst out crying but held it in. His luggage was in the trunk and a case of beer for the trip. He was to be in the army branch. The one I feared him being in the most. He had a greater chance of never coming back.

As we pulled up to the train station I could see I wasn't the only one going through this and neither was he, of course that was assumed but still. I didn't want to get out of the car and I knew he didn't either. But we had too, he had to fight, I had to realize there was a chance I might never see him again after this. There were lots of other women hugging and kissing their husbands goodbye, lots of other men getting on the train. We checked Harry in and waited for his train at 11:45, It was currently 11:00.

"I don't want you to go," I said, "I may never see you again." "Don't say that, I'll be back soon." he replies.

After what seemed like forever his train finally arrived. He picked up his things, it looked like the most painful thing he had ever done.

"I-I love you and I'm going to miss you so so much." I said crying.

"I love you too," he replied, "and I'm going to miss you even more." We exchanged an extremely deep and passionate kiss I didn't want to end, but he had to leave, I had to let him go.

He started walking forward and I exploded in a pool of tears. The clock hit 11:45 and I looked up to see him watching me while holding a beer, to drown the pain, whilst hanging out of the window. That's my Harry, that silly boy he always loved hanging out windows. We waved as the train started up and we never broke eye contact until he was out of sight and in the tunnel.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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