Manchester High ♡

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She was a complete princess. I don't think I've ever hated someone more in my entire life than I have in the past 10 minutes with her, But It's obvious that every student around here hangs on her every command.

I've been at Manchester High for less than an hour and it's already obvious that I don't belong here. Just by looking out at the car park you notice that it's mostly taken up of expensive cars and then the accessional Toyota. I swear that this entire school is made up of millionaires, and then there's me, Kate Winters. The girl that is only at this school is because of a scholarship I won last year, for an essay writing competition. Anyway back to the princess of Manchester high, otherwise known as Taylah Hollister.

The reason why were forced to work together is because our English teacher, Miss Chloe, chose us to be partners on the upcoming assessment task. Word must have gotten around that I was good at writing essays, because when Miss Chloe announced that that me and Taylah were partners, Taylah then said to her friends but loud enough that the entire class could hear, "wow, I've paid losers to do my homework before, and now the homework gets done with no fee! yay!"

I was embarrassed that the entire class had just heard was I was referred to, a loser.

At that moment I knew that I would never fit in around here.

Chapter two ♡

** I hope you guys are enjoying my story! please continue reading, commenting and subscribing! thankyou xx

As I was walking to my next class, I noticed the most perfect boy I had ever seen; it's like the whole world just stopped for a few seconds.

During math, he was the only thing I could think about. I would just love to know his name.

When math was over, I walked straight to my locker to put my books away, so I would be one of the first people in the cafeteria, so the line wouldn't be too long. As I walking into the cafeteria, I noticed the boy staring at me and waving me over, so I smiled and started to walk towards him when I realized that I wasn't the one he was waving over, Taylah was behind me. I walked back to the line and could hear Taylah laughing, but not him. 

I was so embarrassed and upset that I decided to eat my lunch in the school bathrooms.

ughhh I hate this school so much! I wish that had never entered my stupid essay, because if I hadn't I would be at my old school with my old friends. This day couldn't get any worse. When I had calmed down abit I realised that I had been crying quite loudly, and just as I had started eating a girl knocked on the bathroom door. I opened the door slightly so I could only just see the girl's face. She looked kind and gentle, so I opened the door.

She looked at me and smiled and told me that her name was Sierra and that she wanted to be my friend. I smiled and said that I would love too.

Ok, day 1 - one friend made.

Chapter 3 ♡

** hope you guys are enjoying my story! comment ideas, thoughts, anything but also don't forget to like and subscribe, thankyou if you made it this far! ♡

The next day wasn't much better, the classes were a blur until in my Italian class I saw the boy.

He is absolutely gorgeous.

About half way through the lesson one of his friends say "Lachlan, how do you say ...."

Lachlan. My future husband's name. Cute.

As I was thinking Lachlan turned around and mouthed the words 'sorry' to me, I turned around to make sure nobody was behind me, after a pulled a shocked face (as if I was so shocked to see that he was talking to me, no one behind me ). He laughed and so did I.

At the end of the lesson he caught up with me and apologised in person, I said that it was ok but he shouldn't let his girlfriend act like I'm some freakshow, he told me that Taylah isn't his girlfriend and that he has his eye on someone else, I smiled.

At lunch I told Sierra everything, about Taylah, Lachlan and why I was upset yesterday.

She understood and told me that she had her 'eye on someone' too ;) I laughed and so did she.

Chapter 4 ♡

thankyou if you made it this far! I'm loving writing this story! thankyou and comment whatever! what are your thoughts on Taylah, Lachlan, Sierra and Kate? I would love to know! thanks xx

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I hated this school anymore.

Lachlan has talked to me, knows my name and laughed with me!

I have such an amazing bestfriend and my teachers seem to like me.

The only thing is that I'm starting to fail Italian. I can't get my pronunciations right and I know like 3 words/sentences..

1. Ciao - Hi

2. Come stai? - How are you?

3. Molto bene, e tu? - Very good, and you?

I'll ask for a tutor after first period with the queen bee herself, Miss Taylah Hollister.

"Kate, what's your opinions on Chinese foot binding?"

I wasn't paying attention to class so I asked Miss Chloe to repeat the question.

Sh*t, I don't know anything about Chinese foot binding, I guess I'll have to wing it. 

"Foot binding was a very painful process, in the end all you gained was the chance of having a husband. I think that men had it fairly easy, but I guess the pressure to continue to add to the family tree was a hard life too. In the end I don't think anyone really gained anything. The pressure on the girls would have been great too, to have to marry a full grown man at the young age of about 12, and having to have sex.." I had just realized what I had said and I wished that I could take it back immediately.

Chapter 5 ♡

haha woah smart one kate, thoughts? thankyou xx

The entire class laughed, I just wanted to die in that moment.

ughhhh! why do I have to be such a retard sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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