Ladies, your inner beauty never needs make-up! You create beauty with your attitude, behavior, believes, values, your actions and I can go on and on.
I believe that there is nothing more beautiful than a woman with a beautiful heart, mind and soul. Its the way she cares, the way she takes care of herself and how she extends a helping hand to others.
There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is always herself. Like they say Confidence is Sexy!
Like what One Direction mentions in What makes you beautiful - "Don't need make-up, To cover up, Being the way that you are is enough"
With that I'd say that you should always be yourself. Do what you love doing, do YOU at all times and never change who YOU are.
Often I get corned by my thoughts. Thinking Im probably not beautiful because 'he' didn't look my way.. Well, even if that guy doesn't look in your direction, you are still beautiful.
No matter what society tells us, we should just accept our flaws and love ourselfs and also look after ourselfs. Because remember before you wane enlighten someone to do better or to look after themselves you have to look the part.
Nobody is going to take your advice or listen to you if you are looking like crap!
Single and Happy
Short StoryA brief input on how to be single , why you should be happy with yourself before being in an relationship. How you don't need a man to define you. Your inner beauty and taking care of yourself. Nobody can do you, like you do 'You' !