Ryan Hoyt: The Lost Boy: Part 1

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Part 1

Chapter 1: The Package

It is late afternoon when Ryan arrives home from soccer practice. Ryan is a 16 year old boy, with sparkling blonde hair and a few freckles across is zit free face. It was a boiling hot day and he is caked in sweat. Ryan ignores everyone and goes to his room as he does every afternoon. Ryan's bedroom is a teenager's dream. 42in flatscreen tv on his wall, xbox 360, ps3 and a wii with every game available. King size double bed with a pinball machine in the corner. No light creeped in when he didn't want it, but flooded in when he did. Sound proof room for those specific nights when nothing is going right. $3000 gaming pc on his bedside table with 10 gb of ram and 2 terabytes of memory. Instead of diving on his bed and taking a quick nap, he finds a present on his desk. He hesitantly walks over to it and reads the tag. To Ryan Hoyt. Im sorry. From 0.0000*S, 160.0000*W. 

Now Ryan was not the brightest kid in his school, but he did know his latitude and lonigtude. He does not how but he just does. These co-ordinates tell him that it came from the middle of the pacific ocean. That can't be right he told himself. 

"Mum, When did this package come!" he shouted. 

"What package?" replied his mum. 

That's strange. There is a parcel in my room, but my mum didn't put it here. Ryan decided to open it and see what was inside. What harm can come from a little package. Little did he know that opening that package will change his life forever.

Chapter 2: The Discovery

Ryan open the package cautiously, trying not to rip the paper. Inside was a box not much bigger than an A4 piece of paper. Ryan took a deep breath and slowly removed the lid, suddenly a cool sea breeze blew through the room that sent a chill down his spine. Inside this strange little box was a letter. Wow seriously, a big box, cold wind just for a stupid letter, Ryan thought to himself. Ryan decided to read it anyway. 

Dear Ryan,

Im sorry I was never there for you when you needed me most. Im sorry that you had to grow up without a father. Im sorry for never calling, or trying to make any contact with you what so ever. I don't know how you feel and I won't try to understand what you have to go through, but I am truly sorry. I promise you will understand when you are older. 

Best Regards

Your Father,

Pontus, God of the Sea.


Hey guys. This is my first story that I have uploaded. Please leave some constructive criticism on my story. This is only the first part with many to come. Thanks for reading guys.

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