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     Her world was odd. Not at all like ours yet both of them are the same. Millennias ago when the world was still fresh people superpowers. But the leaders decided it was best if the power gene died out. No, the government didn't kill everyone. It wasn't genocide with all humans except two people getting killed. Though it would have been something big in the history books. But seriously though shots were given to reduced the 'super'. So signs of them do show. Fast runners and weight lifters ancestors most likely had super speed and super strength genes and what was left passed down. People that love the feeling of wind in their hair had ancestors that could fly. It was also common for some to have the same abilities.
    The system was that when a teen turned 14 they gained the right to use their powers to their full potential. And there wasn't a person that didn't have any super powers. Though it was common for parents to think their child were... Different.
   I always did find peace in the rain. So, when I was younger I thought 'maybe I can control water.' It didn't take long for me to figure out that I couldn't when I tried to go underwater without holding my breath. One time I got the idea to put my hand inside the fireplace to see if I was immune to fire. My mom stopped me before I could even touch the flames so who knows? Just kidding. I do know.
I'll stop telling my childhood memories before I bore you. You're here to read about a story about a main protagonist that for some reason is special enough to get their own story. Did I defeat evil? I don't know. Maybe? Am I special? Yeah. The power I got wasn't what I was expecting.

My parents probably did love me. I can say this because I had a pretty nice childhood. Thanks to the system though, happiness ended quickly. When my 14th birthday came my parents woke me up early so they could see what my power was. Trust me I knew what my abilities were right when my dad touched my arm to wake me.
My ceiling had writing on it, to inform me what my abilities were. And I can tell you. I didn't like what was there. "You can read how long someone has to live. One choice can cause a massive change. You can not see into the future. You do not know what causes a persons death. Your name is....." The Merciful Grim Reaper Is my title. But I have to ask. Will that paint stay on my ceiling? Because honestly that paint better not be glow in the dark.
I told my parents what the ceiling said. I was fourteen years old so By the law of life and maturity. I understood what it meant. Though I wished I hadn't. They ran out of the room and came back with a laptop. "We can fix this." My mom quavered to me. They must have thought that I had to kill someone to be the grim reaper. "This could simply be a prank. They sell paint that can only be seen by certain people so maybe someone came in and wrote over the original words." Dad said in one breath as if afraid he would be interrupted. "After this we'll take you out to eat for breakfast and go shopping." Mom said smiling. I sat silently watching them look for hospitals that had the tech to find out what abilities I had. I didn't have the heart to tell them that above their heads I could see the number of days they both had left. Ten.
Even the doctor was afraid of me. Before I could even speak nurses were barraging me with questions that could clearly be answered if they would just look at me. "What's the color of you eyes?"
"Um brown?"
"And your hair?" "Dirty blonde. Hey—"
"What's your name?"
"My mom just said my name was Yvana."
"Have you started your—"
"Im not answering that."
     That last question I certainly remember. But now that I think about it the nurse probably just wanted to get out of there. After all, if someone comes for a check up on superpowers it probably wasn't a good thing. Finally my parents told the guy what had happened to me. When they finished he gave me a crooked smile. Honestly I'm giving him credit because the look on his face made me think he didn't know how to smile. Wait I wonder if his power is the ability to see other peoples abilities. One of my friends had that power. Or maybe they just went back in time to become the doctor that made my parents go nuts. Then that would mean that asshole— Yeah no I'm stopping that train of thought right there.

No I didn't edit it trust me I can tell there's probably grammar mistakes. Also the story has just begun, so you can expect another chapter soon. I don't even remember what prompt this is from. I think it's just a mixture of a few different ones. But yeah peace

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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