Bella Lilas Stables

15 1 0

Zoë sat by the fireplace, silently reading her novel. She was intrigued by the simplicity and reality of the story. Placing herself in the situation, she contemplated the outcome of the characters as the fire crackled in front of her. The flames sent bright light across the room as horses nickered in the nearby pastures. Suddenly, a shadow appeared across the floor; her brother.


She looked over her shoulder, curious as to why he was breathing so hard with strain all across his face. "What?..."

She noticed a glint on Luke's face, a small tear. A tear? Her face fell as she stood, the book dropping from her fingertips.


I promise the chapters won't always be this short! I'm working on the first chapter right now and I just wanted to give a little preview! Hope you enjoy it!(:

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