I then heared my name being called, as if whispered by the devil himself, "Sian..."
"W-who's there?" I said, trembling, looking around franticly for the sorce of the noise. I jusmped so high, I thought I was going to hit the roof. With a 'thud', I landed on the ground. I immediatly shot back onto my feet, almost slipping back over my head.
"Come to me..." it pleaded, as I almost wet my pants in the process.
Fear took over my shaking body. I ran outside for the comfort of the sand benethe my feat. I felt a sharp pain in my foot. I looked down to see that I had stepped on broken glass. I was not wearing any shoes. I don't remember taking off my shoes. Blood strted to gush out of the open wound. I sprinted down to the water as it was quicker getting to the ocean than getting home. I dipped my foot straight into the water only for then it to sting like mad. I tried to hold back a scream but was unsuccessful though I highly doubt anyone would hear me. I wanted to back home, but i didn't want mum to make a fuss.
I then sat down onto the soft, wet sand. Sinking into it. It felt like the previous night. I didn't want it to be like that. It was bad enough I hag gone through it once. I don't want to go through it again. Therefore, I started to walk back up the beach towards my house to find my mum have invited over many guests.
I strolled in casually for then everyone to greet me, like nothing ever happened. Something strange was going on and I was determined to find out what...
I know they're short but my sister is only 12years old. For her age she is pretty good!