Chapter 1

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I looked quickly through my clothes to find something 'formal' for the interview..


I sighed from frustration and spotted a nice simple dress,decorated with flowers..

I looked at it and then my black jacket..

This should be good..

I quickly dressed up and took a quick look at the mirror,fixing my hair a bit..

I walked out of my room and the sneezing and coughing from my friend echoed in the apartment..

I walked in the living room,seeing a sick Kate with her laptop..

Kate:thank you again for doing this for me!i owe you one!

She smiled and grabbed a tissue,to blow her nose..

I smiled and grabbed the bowl of chicken soup that was in the kitchen,carefully going to the living room..

She put the laptop away and grabbed the bowl..

Kate:you are my savior..

I giggled and put my shoes on..

(Y/N):where is the folder with the questions?

She grabbed it from the coffee table and handed it to me..

I grabbed my bag,stuffing the folder inside it..

(Y/N):what are you going to watch anything?

She gave a small nod as she tasted the soup..

Kate:i am going to watch some episodes of the American Horror Story and if i feel better i will probably finish my project for next week..

I smiled and ruffled her hair..

(Y/N):dont stress yourself little one..

She rolled her eyes and i opened the door..

Kate:good luck on the interview!!

I gave her a smile and walked out of the apartment..


I pulled out from my bag the folder and took a big breath as i stood outside of Mr.Vincents company..

Damn,this place is huge..

I made small steps inside and looked around..

White cream walls with a small shade of purple at some sides as some really expensive paintings decorated the walls..

I pressed the button for the elevator and got inside..

In five minutes i was at the last floor of the skyscraper..

The doors of the elevator opened and the secretary was a couple of steps away..

I took a breath and walked towards it..

A young male was sitting there,probably at his late twenties,dark brown hair..his eyes didnt leave the screen of his computer..

(Y/N):ehmm..excuse me..

He finally lift his gaze to me..his brown eyes made a quick scan on me..

(Y/N):i-i am here for the interviw with Mr.Vincent..

He looked back at his computer and moved his mouse,making a couple of clicks..

"you must be Miss Catherine Styles.."

(Y/N):a-actually,Miss Styles couldnt attend the interview because she is i am here for her..

He nodded..

"can i have your name please?"

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N)..

He typed it on the computer and gave me a smile..

"i will inform Mr.Vincent in just a second,you can go ahead and sit can also leave your jacket there.."

He pointed at the jacket hunger and i nodded..

I placed nicely the jacket there and i took a seat on one of those light grey couches..

I looked through the questions and kept reminding to myself to stay calm..

I looked at the brown haired male again..

He was typing something on the computer until he stopped,and grabbed the red telephone that was next to him..

He said a couple of things and then waited for an answer..

He placed the phone back down and looked at me with a smile,standing up..

"Mr.Vincent will see you now..."

I nodded and stood up,fixing my dress..

He guided me down the hallway as i was pressing the folder against to myself..

I saw two big dark brown,almost black wooden doors and he gave me a quick look to walk in,before walking away..

I took a big breath of confidence and wrapped my hand around the handle..

But it didnt open.

It was one of those heavy doors.

I sighed and pressed my body against the door for a little force,trying to open it..

The door did open,but my body met the floor once it opened..

I quickly grabbed the folder and some papers that fall out,as i heard his footsteps getting closer to me...

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