The Song of Hatsune ( a vocaloid fanfiction)

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A few years back, a group of singers were discovered. They have amazing voices, and more and more people join their ranks everyday. They range from male low voices, girl high tones, and everything in between. They were the Vocaloids.

A little known fact though, is that this thriving group of international stardom was formed by a simple girl who had went to the city to make her dreams of being a professional singer songwriter come true. That she had stumbled on her walk of fame quite by accident. Her name was Hatsune, Hatsune Miku.

Hatsune was a hard working girl, intent on achieving her ambition. She was a kind girl, but sometimes could be a little thick skulled. That little detail didn't matter one bit, because she struck gold soon enough anyhow. Her beautiful voice was a happiness attracting magnet, and Hatsune made everyone around her just a little bit happier with her singing. Not one of her friend s would admit it though, especially not her parents.

This is the story of Hatsune's journey, and all the obstacles she faced......


Was that okay so far? And to my friends, yes it's that blue haired doll at my house.

Here, I give you all imaginary cookies! yay!


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