Story of our lives.

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                   You all are going to the same school. some of you are new. some of you have been here for years. What will happen when you meet...get together or are about to leave? find Story of our lives!

           *Rachels prov* When its time for school you need to choose only the best because its the first day and your meeting up with Liam after school. You and Annie(me:P) are best friends so you text her:

You: hey, whats up are you ready for school?

Annie: ya...want me to pick you up?

You: ya and can you tell your brother imma be there after school to see him?

Annie: sure why not haha ill be there in 5

Once your done texting you run to your closet to grab a cute pair of skinny jeans and a shirt and a pair of boots and a beanie and get dressed then run to the bathroom to finish and once done go downstairs to meet up with Annie.

         *Annies Prov* 

You honk the horn as you wait outside for Rachel...then you see her and relize shes wearing better clothing then you....your wearing a blue tanktop shorts and flipflops but you dont really mind and you honk to make her hurry up and she gets in.

Rachel: hey Annie! *gets in and sits down*

Annie: hey whats up? 

You start the car and drive towards the school

Rachel: nothing much just got ready haha

Annie:oh well theres the school leggo

Once at the school you get out and go to the front door and go find your lockers...only to find out your super far away but Annie is by Destiny and Rachels by Kaihlyn so you both dont mind.

                     *Annabelles prov*

*texting Lou*   

Annabelle: Louis come on hurry up...its my first day at a new school....and your in a totally different town....cant you move here?...

Louis: now you know im gonna have to talk to my mom and dad first...

Annabelle: I know...i just...didnt want to be here....

Louis: remember im always here to only 45 minutes away come whenever you want and maybe sometimes ill go there also

Annabelle: ok...ill remember...

You slowly set your phone down and get ready you put on a floral dress and flats and put your hair in a half pony tail thing with a bow and grab your stuff and phone and head out to your car and drive to the school and drive to the student parking lot that the student councler told you about and park your car before going inside and see a few girls hanging around a walk by and they laugh at you. One of them are Annie...

Annie: your on the wrong side of the hallway...your over there *points down the hall* with the loseeerrss *she chants and laughs*

you: ok *you mumble and start walkng towards your locker only to find pieces of paper on it saying 'loser´ and 'loaner´ and 'fag´. You rip them down and throw them away then put your books, notebooks, pencils, pens, etc... in your locker and close it with a lock before walking towards your first class......


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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