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*Zoella's point of view*

"What time is it?" I let out.
"9:30, i'm off to the gym in a bit" he said smiling and pointing to the camera.
*20 minutes later*
I get up from bed making sure it is  all neat for my collab with Marcus with afternoon, I grab my camera and head downstairs to see Alfie had already left. I open the door to the kitchen to see Nala running around crazy. I put some food in her bowl and go to feed Pippin and Percy. Once I get to their cage Percy starts running up and down, I let out a little giggle and give them some food.

I set my camera up and press record,
"Hey guys" I say waving to the camera,"Alfie's gone to the gym so i'm just going to make me some breakfast" I give the camera a quick smile and position it so it can see what I am doing. I grab a pan and start making some healthy food*don't really know much healthy meals because.... I'm not healthy?* Once i'm done I tell the camera my plans for today then shut the camera off. I let out a sigh and sit down on my soft couch. I see Nala come up to me.I pick her up and let her on the couch and start stroking her,  I then slowly start to drift of to sleep.
*Alfies POV*

I open the door to my house to hear silence I wonder where Zoe is. I head to the kitchen to see Zoe asleep on the couch with Nala. I look at the time and see that it's 12:15. I go to order some food realising that Marcus is coming any minute.

After I order the food I turn my camera on and start speaking about what's going on. Twenty minutes through the doorbell goes of I ask who it is and a familiar voice replies saying Marcus. I let him in and quickly go and wake up Zoe knowing she will be annoyed I didn't wake her up earlier. Zoe had no sleep last night because she was designing more things for Zoella beauty.
*30 mins later*
The door goes off and I go to open it knowing its Dominoes Pizza *Pizza Place* when I come back in I hear Zoe screaming, I run into the living to see Zoe getting a piggy-back from Marcus. I set up lunch putting knives and forks out knowing Marcus won't eat much because he is super healthy and well... I got Pepperoni pizza.I call lunch and I hear Zoe going,
"Be there in a min Marcus and I are going to Train Nala to do some tricks!"
I roll my eyes laughing to myself, Marcus and Zoe are so close like Best Mates but people barely ever see them collab.

I go to sit down eating my Pizza when I hear Zoe coming into the room.
"Where's Marcus?" I ask already guessing the answer
"I told him there was pizza so he has gone out to buy something else" Zoe says giving me that look.
"So, when you doing your video with Marcus?" I ask
"Me and Marcus decided we aren't going to do a video today" Zoe says not making eye contact with me.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this a new one should be out tomorrow.
Please comment about how I done good or bad.
Thanks for reading.

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