Chapter One

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Chapter One

"No, I haven't found it  yet, Andrew," a tired sigh escaping my lips as I realize that my art piece is due in about a month, and I still have not found what I want to submit. "I have some landscapes of the ocean but I'm not really convinced."

"Thea, I hate to burst your bubble but the exposition is in about four weeks, and you still have no clue," my older brother's voice sounds through the phone, "I know how much you love doing this but are you sure signing up for it was a good idea?"

"I just need some more time, but I'll manage," I respond, surprised at how easy it was to pretend as if I wasn't in debt or living in a small one-bedroom apartment because I decided to pursue art.

"Alright, let me know how it goes."

"Will do. Bye, Andrew."

Hanging up, I began to think of all the times my mother scolded for me for wishing to pursue a career in art, rather than study dentistry like she had. Even now, when I rarely ever see her because she resides in New York while I live in Florida, her hateful comments never seize. Our daily fights would drain the life out of me, and one day I decided to pack up and leave all of that behind and do what I truly loved. Andrew, my older brother, was extremely understanding, and would take my side in our mother-daughter arguments.

Eyes wandering to all of the beautiful residential buildings, I could not help but admire the wonderful sight in front of me. The sun was scorching, yet there was a nice breeze that fought against the harsh rays. Palm trees were swaying slightly, and the sky was a clear blue. During moments like these, I truly realize why I was so attracted to Miami; I always needed to be near the ocean. I certainly do not regret moving one bit, and escaping my mother's wrath was just another advantage.

My fingers itched to grab my sketch book and begin drawing my surroundings, but I decided to fight off the feeling until I made it to my usual spot.

Consisting of a small hill surrounded by water, my favorite place to sketch was about a fifteen-minute walk from my apartment, and with the perfect playlist, cool weather, and picture perfect scenery, it all seemed like a daydream. There was a park crowded with children a couple of yards away, and a volleyball net opposite to it. Joggers usually came up here to exercise, and would then disappear along the shoreline.

Breathing in the salty air, I made my way up to my usual location, only to stop in surprise.

My usual spot was taken.

I was a bit shocked that someone would have preferred to stay here rather than go along with their day. Too much time under the burning sun was unpleasant, but I knew what to expect when coming up here.

My bench, which was technically not really mine since this is a public place, was occupied by a young man, who seemed to be at least two years older than me. His dark hair was disheveled, as if he had just woken up and walked out of the house. This was confirmed when I noticed the simple black cap he was holding in his hand. His phone was pressed up to his ear, and he seemed to be in the middle of a very heated argument.

"No, Brooke! Do you even hear yourself? I needed her advice on different brush strokes and that was it. You're overthinking again."

His voice was deep, yet it was soothing to listen to, despite the intensity of it as he continues to try and get his point across to Brooke.

Unaware of what I'm doing, I could no longer fight the urge of drawing. I pull the sketch book out of my bag and begin to sketch his basic side profile. He had a sculpted jaw, yet it was soft enough to sit nicely against the rest of his facial structure. His lashes were long, and fell upon his cheeks every time he blinked. His nose contained the most perfect bridge, and it tied all of his features together.

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