Chapter 1

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Picture of Quinn Stun above.

~~~~Friday October 18th~~~~

Why does school have to start so early? I mean like, what's wrong with starting at 1pm and ending at 4pm? I only need like a couple hours to learn anyways. My alarm clock was currently blaring in my ear, and was becoming quite obnoxious.

"Shut the fuck up."

I swatted at it repeadetley, until I heard the satisfying 'thump' of it landing on the ground and turning off. Ahhh, much better. I slowly peeled myself out of the covers, noticing my stubbly legs. Whoops, I really needed to shave.

Marching towards the bathroom, I took a quick peek into my brother Cristian's bedroom. He currently should be at college, but has decided to take a "break." I screamed as loud as I could (without waking up my folks.)

"Get up you shrivelling piece of shit!"

I heard a grumble come from his still body. Yup, he's up. So I proudly walked straight into the bathroom and went to get ready for the day.

Pulling on my favourite red hoodie and ripped jeans, I examined myself in the mirror. Huh, didn't see that pimple there yesterday...

I applied a bit of makeup, trying to keep it light because I absolutely despise the feeling of stuff on my face. With that I sprayed on some perfume and-

"Get out of the bathroom you asshole!"

Cristian pounded on the door, not stopping for a minute. Rolling my eyes at his childish behaviour, I tossed around my hair. What to do with it today... I decided on a simple ponytail and casually walked out.

He punched me in the shoulder as I walked past him, and slammed the door shut. Rubbing my now stinging arm, I descended down the stairs and straight into the kitchen.

I grabbed an apple and walked outside onto the deck, sitting down on one of the many patio couches. I admired the sun rising, just barley at the top of the sky. I had missed the sunrise this morning, thought I usually never do.

It was one of the many things that was peaceful in my life. And as you can tell my mornings usually aren't all peaches and cream. So this this is a nice way to calm me down before school.

"Hey Quinn!"

I looked to my left, one of my neighbours Gray standing in his yard with nothing but sweatpants hung loosely on his hips. His hair looked very tousled and messy, like he just woke up. I grinned at his boyish appearance.

"Howdy there."

I tipped my invisible hat, resting my feet up on the armrest of the couch. He smiled back at me, running a hand through his gorgeous hair.

"Hey neighbour. It's so beautiful outside isn't it?"

"Sure is Gray."

I took a quick peak at my phone, not wanting to abandon looking at the greek god before me. Though sadly, I realized I only had a few minutes left before I had to leave.

"I gotta go to school, see ya later."

"Bye Quinny."

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