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Here I sit. Staring blankly at nothing, hoping for something. I'm jolted to consciousness by my phone vibration. I look down and see a message waiting to be opened, from a number i don't recognize.

"Blake, are you alright? you can talk to me."

I look at it for a second, then put my phone down and stand up, looking around and trying to remember.

I don't recognize many of my surroundings, only noticing  a ring that's on the dresser. It's familiar, but i can't think why.

I shake my head, trying to clear it and remember. After a few minutes, I finally remember I'm in my own bedroom, but don't remember how i got there or what i was doing there. I walk to the door, and look outside. It's a small hallway attached to 3 other rooms and a stairwell. I don't recognize this either, but continue down the staircase.

It's ends in a kitchen, completely clean and not much around. I'm standing next to a door heading outside, and take it, leaving to a small yard and a car. I pat myself down, finding a set of car keys, and take a car that's outside, driving to a nearby lake. I sit on the edge of the water, feeling it cold against my hand laying in it. I stay there for a while, trying to relax and remember things.  Nothing comes to me in that time, till i suddenly stand up. After a few more minutes, i wade in before jumping into the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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