A Dragon in Fiore

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In ancient times the Kaiosye Drakagne developed a branch of magic that allowed them to control time. This earned them the name Kronoradiael, which meant Time Lords in their native tongue. This magic was passed down from generation to generation but became a lost art. Today there is only one who knows this magic. His name is Radon Temporum-Drakus, a young yet powerful Kaiosye mage. These tales shall chonicle his time in the land of Fiore, a place where magic is everywhere.

Where shall I begin? When I arrived? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. My name is Radon and I am a travelling mage in search of vengance against the one responsible for the murder of my parents, Shan-Dor. I journied to Fiore to assess the potential Demon threat and widen my knowledge of magic. My method of arrival, however, was rather unceremonious.

"Rheliktan vartenikhal inerolit hural iv no kanoka, muiltareia jo konuit hureth n ivarloto kasata!" Which is a phrase so obscene that I shall not translate. I shouted this as I fell through a rather badly placed wormhole. The journey itself was pretty quick, but I can swear rather fast so I managed to fit in a few more lengthy curses aimed at Kale, the one who I had trusted to open a simple wormhole just a few centimetres infront of us. But no, he had to go and muck it up like the sangas he is. (Sangas is Mustaran by the way, not Skaraaskrit; which is my native tongue). I landed in a large muddy puddle and released a few more, slightly shorter, swears.

"Ohaiyo!" Shouted a voice from behind me. I turned my head and saw three people, two women and a man, running over. I stood up just as they arrived. "Ogenki Desuka?" Asked one of the women, who was tall and had long black hair with a couple of white bows in it. I quickly cast a minor translation spell and replied.

"Watashi wa daijoubuka!" The woman sighed in relief, which was long enough for my universal translation field spell to kick in. Unfortunately my brain took a bit longer to sort itself out after Kale's muck-up but eventually I was able to register my surroundings. I was in a smallish field surrounded by trees and dotted wth more puddles like the one I fell in.

"Where did you come from?" Asked the other woman who was slightly shorter than the first and had pink hair, which struck me as slightly odd. I pointed up. They looked to the sky and their jaws practically fell off as they stared at the wormhole. The air became slightly charged as the wormhole snapped shut, releasing a small amount of electrical energy.

"Before I answer you question properly, I'm going to need something to eat. Swearing at the rate I did really takes it out of you."

As it turned out the three people I met were part of something called a Mage's Guild, which they had named Crime Sorciere, whatever that means (so says the linguist). They took me to an abandoned house where they had setup an improtu base and gave me some bread and water, which was gone in seconds but was also extremely filling. They also shared some basic information about themselves, though I could tell that there was more. I learned that the two women were called Ultear and Meredy, with Meredy being some sort of adoptive daughter to Ultear, and the guy was called Jellal. They didn't tell me what magic they used, but I would see that for myself eventually.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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