Just Yesterday

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Last year, I wanted to be someone. Not just anyone, I wanted to be someone who was looked up too. Someone popular. I only had two friends last year; Courtney, and Dana. They were the only people I had that I could look at and really talk too. Every time I would be with the popular people, and they did something funny, I would laugh. Then they would look at me like I was a piece of trash and walk away. Whenever I got angry I would say something mean like… your a brat, or shut up.

When I would say things like that they would just ignore me and walk away. One time I got so angry that I slapped a boy in the face. After that, I was suspended from school for three days. That was one of the best years of my life. The reason is because I was always trying to be someone I’m not, someone funny, and I realized that the only reason they were popular is because they were themselves all the time. I still have a lot of apologies to make from last year, but I’m making an effort to be myself, and it’s working.

Last year, I was losing friends because of how weird I was. This year, I started with one friend… Dana. I think that me being so bossy and rood made her feel bad. That’s probably why she doesn’t want to be friends with me anymore. Now that I’ve changed, and now that I’ve grown to be a nice person, I’ve been rewarded with more and more friends. People don’t tease me anymore. They don’t have anything to tease me about.

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