~ Prologue ~

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I woke up to the noise of my phone going off...for the 5th time. In one minute. Sadly. Welcome to the life of Carter Samuels. Another day in hell. Another day just like the last. Same routine. Wake up, go downstairs, talk to my annoying brother, kiss my mother on the cheek, pop into my dads home office to say hello, and then cuddle in my comfy bed for another binge session on Netflix.

I get out of bed and walk downstairs, carefully, because who wants to join gymnastics at home and tumble down the stairs at 8 am? Just as I reach the last step, I feel a knot in my stomach like something bad is about to happen. Out of nowhere, comes my little brother Matthew, flying down the hallway with his skateboard and whelp. I become an obstacle, but sadly, he doesn't make it over me. And instead would rather land on me and knock me down. Pushing Matthew off of me while groaning, I get up slowly and check for any bruises. Then comes that wafting smell. I walk towards the kitchen only for it to get stronger. I push open our kitchen door and see my mother and father dancing around the kitchen while the bacon is steadily cooking.

"Isn't that just goals," I say to myself. My mother looks up and smiles at me and my father let's go of her and comes over to me and kisses my forehead. "Now, honey, when you get a boyfriend when you're 80, you two can dance in the kitchen while making breakfast for yourselves because you'll be too old to have kids!" My father says too happily. I give him that 'are you kidding me' look and he just laughs and messes up my morning hair.

"I've gotta go out of town for about a week for work so I'll call you sometime soon pumpkin," he calls out as he's gathering his hat and keys. I look up and sigh and nod my head. Of course I appreciate it that I have a roof over my head and food on my plate and clothes on my body, but I hardly ever see my parents and my brother is always gone. I trudge upstairs to brush my teeth and at least look somewhat presentable as I get ready to go grocery shopping. Cons of being the only one ALWAYS home, I have to do the shopping. I throw on some leggings and an oversized T-shirt for my frail body and get my keys for my car and my wallet. I walk down the stairs and yell to my mom that I'm leaving. When I get outside, I immediately feel the sun kissing my neck and I rush to my Mustang ('69 of course) and climb in to escape the heat, only to be enveloped by the humidity trapped in my car. I start the car and suddenly get the feeling that I'm being watched. I pull on my seatbelt, getting 1st degree burns in the process, shout out to Florida summer weather! I back out of the driveway, still feeling as if I'm being watched. I look in my rearview mirror and see a black, sleek Ferrari behind. It's not odd to see around my neighborhood, so I ignore that knot in my stomach and continue driving to the store. I turn on the radio to ease my nerves and All Hands On Deck by Tinashe comes on. I start singing of course.... Which involves my white people dance moves which include the sprinkler, my disco finger, and a little bit of jazz hands and sashaying. "You took a good girl and you turned me oh so bad," I sang into my fist microphone while nodding my head like a rock band member, "Kiss the old me goodbye. She's dead and gone, dead and gone. Ooh!!" I sang as I came to a stop at a red light. I looked in my mirror only to notice the car was still following me. I pressed the gas as soon as the light turned green and then turned into the supermarket's parking lot. I got out of my car and heard my name being called. I turned around and nobody else was outside. Turning back around to go inside, I heard, "Carter Samuels?" I turned around to see a boy who looked about my age. He smiled at me and showed his perfect white teeth. I took in his appearance a second before coming back to reality. Perfect smile, check. Green eyes, check. Brown, shaggy hair, check. Tattoos, check. Bad- boy look, check. Typical teenage rich boy, check. I turned around but was quickly pulled backwards when he grabbed my arm. "I have something you may want to know..." He said.

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