Sheele X New Recruit Reader

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A.N: Before everyone whines about character death it's not gonna be as major a thing here as it was in the actual anime so calm down.
You were walking along through Night Raids base with Leone, she was in charge of showing you around for the moment so you just took it all in as she chatted with you. "So how did you get in new guy? Boss didn't mention it when she told me to show you around." You shrugged not really all too sure yourself of how you were recruited "No clue, they just sent me saying I would be a good fit. Might be my raw power, I haven't lost a single fight in years." Leone looked back at you "Don't exaggerate like that man, doesnt make you look good if your exaggerate your skill set." You growled, if there was one thing you didn't like it would have to be that, how few didn't ever believe in your abilities to think you hadn't lost a fight in years. "I wasn't exaggerating." She snickered "Fine, how bout I set up a fight between you and Sheele. If you win I'll admit you were right. Lose and I get to boss you around the whole time you work for us." You nodded "Sounds good. When and where are we gonna fight."

It was later that night you saw Sheele again. She was reading a book near the hotsprings, no clue why she didn't just use the springs then head to her room to read. But she was an airhead so anything went in her mind it seemed. "Hey Sheele" you were a bit disappointed when she jumped and hurriedly caught her book. "Oh hello (F/N). Don't sneak up on me like that please." Suppressing the urge to laugh you walked closer so you were beside her, "I was walking. Not sneaking in the slightest." blushing faintly now at her embarrassment she turned back to the book. "So what did you need." You sat beside her now "I wanted to apologize if I made you look bad or embarrassed you at all when we fought before. I was angry at Leone for not believing me. I took it out on you and wanted to apologize for it. That's what" blushing worse she looked down now "Thank you (F/N). It's good to hear you care." Smiling you gently bumped her. "Besides, we're a family right? Have to stick together." She nodded and bowed as she usually did, resulting in her glasses falling. Catching them you smiled watching her try to find them "Sheele I have your glasses" looking up at you, blushing still from embarrassment you had to admit, she was really cute. "Here" you gently placed them on her face. Smiling at you she nodded "Thank you (Y/N)"

You slowly woke up to Sheele sleeping, her head resting on your bed. Turning you saw Sheele had been sitting in a chair alongside you, no doubt caring for you after your injuries. When you all were fighting the guards for Minister Honests' cousin, one had beat you rather well, you had three cracked ribs, a fractured femur, and shattered pride. Looking down you saw your injuries were rebandaged and looked back at Sheele. It had been about a month since you showed up, and Tatsumi had joined you now too. Laying back down you tried to figure something out, usually your powers worked whenever you were in combat. But for whatever reason your powers hadn't worked, and since they were your main weapon, you couldn't really withstand the ensuing beating when he closed in. A yawn from Sheele distracted you from this as you looked at her, she now sat up. Her glasses falling again as she stood. Taking them you tapped her with them, getting her attention. "Oh (F/N) your up. I'm sorry if I woke you." You smiled and replied as she took her glasses and put them back on "don't worry, you didn't." Sitting back up you sighed looking at your hands. "I still don't know what went wrong, my powers shouldn't have fallen apart like that, they usually work without fail." Taking your hands in hers and setting them in your lap she replied "Don't think about it. You survived and that's all that matters." You smiled and locked lips with her, glad she had confessed her love weeks ago.

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