No One's POV
Eridan slowly started to get closer to Feferi as Feferi cheered him on even if they weren't moirails, they're still 'friends'.
- T I M E S K I P -
"hey fii2hdiick, ii bet ii can beat you by holdiing my breath the longe2t underwater" Sollux said "ED probably won't fall for iit" Sollux thoughted "f-fine sol!" Eridan stutters "holy 2hiit" Sollux thoughted.
Both of them went for it and almost 1 minute, as Eridan's head gonna pop back up, Sollux quickly puts his head underwater.
Eridan started taking deep breaths as Sollux pops his head back up "wow fii2hdiick, ii thought you were smarter than that" Sollux teased as Eridan kept trying to get his breath back ((//only to be breathing a little)) he coughed a few times then he was fine "ii thoughted you would u2e your gill2 ED-" "shut up!, ugh wwhatevver" Eridan swam away back to the shore, leaving Sollux there half confused. "Why the fuck ii2 ED alway2 liike thii2 when 2omeone mentiion2 2omethiing about hii2 giill2?" Sollux thoughted as he swam to Feferi.
"hey ff" ")(I SOLLUX! glub" Feferi replied, "Do you know anythiing about ED'2 giill2 and why he'2 alway2 an a22hole about iit?" Sollux asked "O)( I DON'T R-E-ELY KNOW SOLLUX!, I T)(INK )(-E SAID SOM-ET)(ING TO M-E ABOAT IT, BUT I FORGOT! 38(" Feferi answered, "I COULD ASK )(IM ABOUT IT!, W)(Y AR-E YOU CURIOUS ANYWAYS?" "Do iit, and ii dunno, ju2t really curiiou2?" "S)(OR-E! I'LL GO ASK )(IM ABOAT IT NOW!" Feferi then swam away, leaving the Gemini behind.Feferi dragged Eridan somewhere private "uh, fef, wwhy did you drag me here anywways?" Eridan asks "I WANTED TO ASK YOU A QU-ESTION, SO CAN I?" "Uh, sure fef..?" "IT'S ABOAT YOUR GILLS!" "Uh...." "W)(Y AR-E YOU SO INS-ECUR-E ABOAT T)(-EM?" Eridan sighed "I.....wwell gills, I...they're mutated.." Feferi tilted her head"W)(AT DO-ES T)(IS M-EAN?" "I-It means I could do remember the other me from the dream bubbles, right?" "Y-EA)(.." "The others died by drowwing..." "O)(! I'M SO SORRY ABOAT T)(AT! 38(" Feferi pulls Eridan into a tight hug, Eridan hugs back, light violet tears are slowly dripping down the Aquarius' face as Feferi hugged him more
To be continued....
//Sorry for this being short >.>
The Aquarius And The Gemini (Erisol) [DISCONTINUED] {OLD}
NezařaditelnéThe new version and the finest. (Homestuck is owned by Andrew Hussie) (Cover is not mine)