49 Wednesday - Aug 3, 2016 | 5:53PM

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Hello, Richard.

Hey, are you sick? 😨 That's not good news.
Are you tiring yourself too much at work?
I noticed your messages are usually at the wee hours of night. That means you don't get enough sleep, and that's not healthy at all.
Please take care of yourself, Richard.
For me, please?

Promise me you're going to have yourself checked at the clinic ASAP. Don't you have a PA/Secretary? Why don't you let her take you  so you don't have to drive your way there.

Promise me you'll go see a doctor, sweetie.
We're not having any sexy talk until you do. 😌

Oh, and if you get better, I have another surprise for you. So, pleaaaaase, see a doctor, take your meds and rest.

I miss you.



Hello, Richard: The Secret CorrespondenceWhere stories live. Discover now