Chapter One

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"I kissed the scars on her skin. I still think you're beautiful. I never ever want to lose my bestfriend. I screamed out 'God, you're a vulture! BRING HER BACK OR TAKE ME WITH HER!"

- Pierce The Veil


   The Tardis was awfully silent for Derpy's taste. Although the hum was quite relaxing, Derpy couldn't sleep after that day. She had almost lost the Doctor and without him in sight, she felt as if he would just disappear into thin air. Derpy rolled around, trying to get as comfortable as possible. She finally had enough. Lowering herself out of bed, Derpy found herself on her way to the console room. As she trotted out into the console room, Derpy wondered to herself, I've never seen the Doctor's bedroom. Where does he even sleep?

   Derpy heard a small noise come from under the console. She smoothed out her messy blonde mane and looked under the console. Laying on a mattress was a chestnut colored lump that looked to be the Doctor. There was another small whimper. Derpy trotted around to a bigger opening and climbed up beside the Doctor. She pulled his head onto her lap. He's restless... she thought to herself.

   "Ditzy...?" the Dcotor mumbled in a sleepy voice.

   "Shhh! It-it's okay," Derpy whispered, lightly caressing the Doctor's cheek with her hoof.

   The Doctor curled up and went straight to sleep. Derpy smiled as her eyelids grew to the point where she was forced to sleep. The Doctor opened one eye and smiled when he saw Derpy curled up beside him. He sat up and covered her with a blanket. Sleep well, my little Ditzythe doctor thought, not wishing to wake up the little mare. The Doctor lightly rubbed Derpy's back, avoiding her sensitive wings. Derpy let out a small whimper.

   Awww! Poor Ditzy... She is becoming restless. What should I do? the Doctor thought as images from his home planet popped into his mind. He flinched and opened his eyes again to see Derpy still sleeping in a cute position. What could I do to help her? The Doctor smiled when he thought about his mom tucking him into bed and singing him a lullaby. The Doctor started to sing.

Stars and moons and air balloons

Fluffy clouds to the horizon

I'll wrap you in rainbows

And rock you to sleep again

Teddy bears of pink

Ducks and lambs of white

Don't you cry dear, I'm here now

I'll be your nightlight

  The doctor took a deep breath as tears filled his eyes. He was happy to have Derpy close. After almost disappearing, I don't think I should leave my little Ditzy alone. He took a deep breath and started to sing again.

Stars and moons and air balloons

Fluffy clouds to the horizon

I'll wrap you in rainbows

And rock you to sleep again

Smiles to cure the frowns

Twirling and tumbling in laughter

Someday life will always be

Happily ever after

    The Doctor stopped, his voice trailing off. He, then, realized that the lyrics his mother sang would not fit Derpy's personality. He had to think of lyrics to fit the song before Derpy's brain comprehended that he had stopped singing.

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