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I couldn't help myself. I am so, so sorry. But my willpower is weak. I told myself that I will only do this one part, to gather some interest, and then I will leave this be and continue on my Being Human story. So, here's the prologue, and only the prologue, until I get my first story done.

Dang it, I'm terrible at this. Also, this was all typed on a whim, sorry if it's not as good as my usual works.

But the cover is so cool! I'm quite proud of it. :3


When he opened the door to his quarters, the human was laying against the window, her legs draped carelessly over the side as she leaned her head against the glass. The past few encounters they had proved she wasn't afraid of heights, but it was a bit of surprise that she wasn't terrified of seeing her home planet so far below.

She didn't look at him, and didn't speak, instead just stared at the blue and green planet below. There was no mistaking she knew he had come in. Once again, he would have to initiate a conversation if he wanted one.

After a long moment of pondering, he broke the silence. "Does it not frighten you to see your planet like this? So far above it, with nothing but airless space between you?"

"Considering I'm on a huge ship meant to support life, and has yet to break or rupture after several years of use, no, I'm not afraid at all." She replied, voice dull and lifeless. It angered him, how monotonous she had become. Where was that spark, that fire?

"What are you frightened of?" He asked. "Clearly, not me, nor the rest of my crew. Autobots are out of the question as well."

"Darkness." Came the surprisingly fast answer. "Not nothingness, but darkness. Where evil can hide."

Amused, he jabbed at her statement. "Afraid of the dark? More often than not there is nothing to be afraid of in there!"

"How would you know?" She snarled. "Have you seen the 'nothingness' that's there?"

There was nothing mocking or joking in her tone. Just pure, focused hatred that was pointed directly at him. She was not just angry; she hated him. He didn't understand why; all he was doing was trying to help, and yet everything he did backfired. Why was he to blame when she was proving difficult in allowing him to help her?

Somewhat wishing he could recant his previous statement, only having wanted to see a part of the human he had once known, his voice became softer, and he attempted to take off the edge he usually reserved for . . . Everyone else, really.

"No." He admitted. "But to be fair, your fear is irrational-"

"Cut the scrap!" She snapped, crossing her arms and turning her body away from him as best she could, one arm eventually reaching back and dragging her legs over to rest in a more comfortable position. "What part of this is even 'fair' to you? Or are you just making up another excuse to keep your overinflated ego intact?"

Don't get angry. He had to silently remind himself. She wants you to get angry, but not for her own amusement. She wants you to kill her.

The Decepticon stopped again, finally at the ledge which she had dragged herself onto, one sharp digit reaching out just to gently brush her, to get her to look at him. "Dana-"

"Don't touch me!" Her arm snapped around with amazing speed, hitting the digit and knocking it away from her, and though he barely felt it, somehow it seemed like she had smacked him in the face. "After what you did, you have the audacity to think you can touch me?!" Her shrieks were loud, tearing into her throat as every hateful emotion poured out with her voice. "Keep your filthy, bloodthirsty, Decepticon-scum hands away from me!!"

He took a step back without really meaning to, her words seeming to take physical form and pound into him, like violent waves against a shore. She was no longer a flame, not even a wildfire, but a hurricane, becoming something he didn't even recognize anymore.

And even before he could register it, the pathetic words he never thought he would hear tumbled from his mouth. "It was an accident."

Her laugh was sharp, fake, and full of all the pain in the world. "Come back later when you have an excuse, something better than what a two-year-old human could come up with! What can you say, Megatron, that will compensate for my loss? What on this good, green Earth, could you possibly say, that could make up for the fact that you have now confined me into a wheelchair?"

Just hearing that last question made him almost flinch. She reminded him of why he was trying to apologize, to bring back the human girl that he had snuffed out.

He took her ability to walk, and she locked herself in a cage deep beneath the shell of a human that remained. And despite his nature, he wanted her back.

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