o. sasha

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Lounging on a small bright yellow beach towel with calming Jazz melodies from the 1940's playing in the background, and her Great Dane, Ruby licking her face, Sasha Carmine could faintly see the beauty in life. She was in the midst of a coming-of-age type of situation, finding the essence of her nature as a hopelessly glamorous looking teenage girl with flawless skin and voluptuous hair. Sasha Carmine was two things: completely unapproachable, and self-absorbed. An example of her infamous lack of awareness about the social lives of her pupils includes flirting with other girl's boyfriends solely due to the fact she had no prior knowledge they were in a relationship, and Harry Potter. Harry Potter was perhaps one of the most discussed topics at Hogwarts, especially when he was defeating the Dark Lord multiple times before he ever reached puberty, and yet Sasha still couldn't bring herself to care about him.

Sasha Carmine is all Harry Potter can think about. Not due to the fact that he has a crush on her because no sane Hogwarts student would put themselves through that misery. Before Barty Crouch Jr. was kissed, he told Dumbledore that the Dark Lord would get to Sasha, so of course, Harry being his everyday hero-self planned to find out and warn this girl from immediate danger. However, Sasha Carmine isn't all she's cracked up to be, because she is merely a concept. There was the image of her she purposely put out, a cherry flavored chapstick sort of girl with her gold necklace with an actual rose, complete with stem-and-thorns-and-all, pendant. Long black hair that curled slightly at the bottom―and fringe that fell into her eyes when she tilted her head in class to get a better look at the blackboard. She was a kiss and a spritz of sweet perfume on a letter and pleated skirts and beige turtlenecks. Sasha appeared to people as the lover type, the type people settled down for or started a family with. The actual truth was that Sasha Carmine wasn't as sweet or dainty as she made herself out to be. Sometimes, she practically felt invulnerable, her dark skin, lustful smirks, and hard eyes are set her out to be the perfect villain, and so she was.

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okay, so finally i republish this after many months of wanting to revamp it. i'm much more pleased with this style of writing, i think a good author knows how to make a reader cry and laugh and i want to be able to learn how to do that so this will be my testing guide. also sasha is somali and italian! )

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