Chapter 1 ~ The Start of Something Fun!

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A/N ~ So, I'm doing a thing.. it's only because Love Live won't keep me entertained for the whole summer, so.. yeah. I may or may not update every day, cause, I'm on artist/writer's block..


Your POV

       So, I've heard that Mikagura Academy was less focused on schoolwork.. but nobody told me about this! I'm at the 'Welcome Party for New Students', and there was a big stage. And what am I so surprised about, you ask? Well, this blonde guy was getting some paint from three floating palettes and.. hurling it at other students? No wonder why his blazer was covered in paint splats.. then, the next thing I see is someone with a scythe.. teleporting? To dodge the paint? What is this, a superhero academy? How come it didn't explain this in the pamphlet? Do I have those powers too? All these thoughts were swirling in my head, however, I was snapped out of my daze, because then, tons of vines grew out of the ground! A flower bloomed out of them, and revealed someone else sitting inside. How could he possibly be so calm at a time like this!? Then, he blew some flower petals towards the guy with a scythe. They suddenly grew into huge flowers, and the scythe guy dodged them easily, but then another  flower came out of nowhere and swallowed him up, and disappeared! Right now, all my thoughts were probably, 'What the heck??', but I couldn't really tell.. everyone in the crowd, who I presumed to be freshmen as well, were all in shock as well. That was when I overheard a girl with salmon hair talking to an older guy, and there was.. a flying cat..?

       "Club battles?" The girl wondered, then was answered by the cat. "Battles between clubs occur regularly, and clubs are ranked based on the results of those battles, ryui. If you are part of a strong club with a high rank, you get preference for nice, large dorm rooms, and you'll get better food too, ryui!" Better food? What, do they feed you garbage if you're not in a club? I stopped listening to their conversation, and looked at the stage, because now, more flowers bloomed out of the ground, only to be splatted by more paint. And, confetti rained down out of the smoke? Pretty! Again, the crowd shouted out in awe.


       I looked out at all the clubs' booths. I couldn't see any that would suit me, though.. but I was determined to find one. That cat from earlier made it sound really bad not to be in one.. then, I saw that girl and cat from earlier! Maybe they had found one.. "Um, excuse m-- AAH!" Suddenly, the girl turned around and she tackled me! "Aaaah, a cute girl!! Where am I, heaven!?" She exclaimed. "Please.. let.. go.. can't breathe.." I managed to let out, and then, she opened her eyes and nervously laughed. "Heh, sorry! I just can't believe how pretty you are!" She let go of me.

       "I'm Ichinomiya Eruna! How about you?" She asked me. I replied, "Nice to meet you, Ichinomiya-san, I'm {Surname} {Name}," What she said next caught me a little off guard. "Aww, no need to be so formal, {Name}-chan! Just call me Eruna, after all, you'll be my friend, right? Riiight?" I chuckled a little before saying, "Alright, Eruna-san," I started playing with my {Hair Colour} hair, out of habit, of course.

       "So, have you decided on a club to join yet?" I then asked Eruna-san.

       "Nope! Seems like we're in the same boat, huh, {Name}-chaan..?" She replied, getting a bit closer and drooling. I backed away, of course. "Heh, guess so..," I commented.

       "Oh, I forgot to give this to you, ryui," The flying cat told Eruna-san. "Since you're here as well, {Name}, you too, ryui." He added.


       "It's an original device distributed to all the students, ryui," Bimii-sensei  began, Eruna-san staring down at her pink Computer Terminal, while I looked at my {Colour} one. Bimii-sensei continued, "You can even do your shopping on this, ryui. Points are distributed based on the results of club battles, so everything is taken care of with that, ryui," Suddenly, Eruna-san's head perked up. "Huh? What's with that dream-like system!?" She questioned, hopping up and down in front of Sensei.

Mikagura School Suite ~ A See-Through Façade {Akama Yuto x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now