Hmm what to do what to do?

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•Hmm what to do what to do?

My family is moving tomarrow and not just to some other state but to a whole different country.

"Like what am I going to do now that my life has gone down the drain,Mother,go start some club at my new school called 'Eml'?"I asked my mother rather rudely.

"Jacob,what does 'EML' stand for?"My mother asked with a sigh as she put down the magazine she was reading.

I didn't want to get her mad because than she would give me an ass whooping. SOOOO I made something up on the spot."Ello My. . .Lady?"I thought I did a really good job but my older sister Jasper started laughing and fell on the floor saying how stupid I am. Pfft please,that's why she RATCHED!!

My sister and I have boy names because my mother loves to be different and weird and other unneeded crap.Our little sister's name is Devon by the way and if you haven't figured it out by the title we're moving to LaPush all the way from Italy so put that in your cupcake hoe.

She had a look on her that said 'Tell me the truth because we're not British fuck face'."Jacob what does it mean?" This time I was ready and had a better one,no it wasn't the truth!

I wispered to make her believe me"Emo Masocatic lesbians".


No mom it really means End My Life.

"Yeah. . ."

"Well,the good news is you are not a masocatic or a lesbian and you are by far not emo,you're Itailian now go finsh putting things in that weird carry-on you insisted on taking with you on the plane."


Save a Dance *Seth Clearwater***** Under Severe Editing****Where stories live. Discover now