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Dear Diary,

To me, dreams are more than just images, more than just a movie

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To me, dreams are more than just images, more than just a movie. You have to live through them. People say, 'it's just a dream'. But it's not just a dream to me. It's an experience. You have to live it. Sooo, my theory is that the reason some people are depressed is because, they have to experience ightmares. It may sound crazy and all, but seriously, it's just, sad really. I mean, people already go through enough already, but this too? Like imagine having a dream where you were kidnapped... ?!? I feel bad for kids, anyone, who have dreams like this... Especially people who go through this... :'( especially people who have to go through additional bad things. It's just sad and not many people realize that this could be causing some people's depression...? Am I right or is it just me?

Over 'n Out.

Dear Diary...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora