Chapter 1: Bear & Wolf

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I do not wish to fight. I know that is a strange notion, coming from a wolf, but some battles should not be fought. A fight that involves hurting, and possibly killing, my only friend is not something I want to do. But, it is something that I must do every year because he is the bear, I am the wolf, and we are the strongest fighters in the Pit.

The Pit was an architectural marvel. From the outside, I am told it just seemed to be a massive hill, covered by a blanket of grass. However, if you were to find the hidden trap door and go down it, you'd find that it was anything but a simple hill. The entire middle part of it had been carved out, creating the massive pit that had given this place its name. There were several rings along the inside of the pit, so that people could see what was going on below. Spreading out from it was a network of tunnels and rooms carved out of the earth that made it seem very much like an ant hill.

For the past hundred years, the Pit has been a special place for a violent sort of entertainment, known as beast battles. For three weeks out of the year, masters of a werebeasts, creatures that could change from man to beast and back again, would come here and set their beasts against each other in several one-on-one matches, until a victor was proclaimed. The masters had it set up so Bear and I would fight in the final match. We've almost killed each other three times. This would be the fourth.

I'm standing in the holding room, listening to the many of voices outside. The only light came from the squares in the gate in front of me. It would be sliding up soon, so I could step into the ring. The fighting ring itself was a seven foot dip below the lowest ring. Watching above would be countless spectators waiting to see the fight of the year. I had to get ready.

Slowly, I slipped off my tunic and folded it into a nice little pile before putting it by the door. I only had one tunic, and transforming would tear it up. My master had commanded me to transform for the crowd, and since he wouldn't buy me clothing, I would be going into the pit completely naked. I didn't mind standing in front of the crowd, my body bared for all to see. It was not my body they had come to see, it was my fight.

I stood in front of the gate and closed my eyes. I let sound fade from my ears. If I went easy on Bear, it would be worse for the both of us. I had to fight my hardest, so I hardened my heart and opened my eyes with new determination. I am the wolf, and I will win.

The gate rose and I stepped out. Several whistles came from the crowd, but I ignored them. They did not matter. My eyes were fixed on my opponent, who had stepped into the pit from the opposite side. The light of the torches seemed to burn in his dark eyes as he held his head high and looked at me with an empty expression. Bear was trying to hide his emotions, but I could read the hate in his eyes. He was usually angry, but this was a special kind of hate, reserved for this time of year.

Bear was short for a human, but didn't look any less powerful. Years of training had built and defined his muscles. His skin was a light bronze, a color not even years away from the sunlight could change. It was marked by hundreds of scars, several of which I inflicted. Like me, he wore no clothing. The same master who owned the Pit own us, so we were both under the same commands.

I stared into his eyes, and he started into mine. Then, we began to morph. For me, changing into my beast form was as easy as removing my clothing. In two seconds, my body had rearranged itself into the form of a great white wolf.

I bared my teeth at Bear and growled. That was what they wanted. They didn't want to see two friends about to battle each other because they had to. They wanted pure, animalistic savagery, and we were about to give it to them.

Bear let out a growl of his own, but his is more of pain than fake aggression. I know transforming was not easy for him. As he changed, I could could hear his bones crackling and see his muscles expand and contract to fit the form of a massive beast. He'd told me once that it felt like being ripped apart, and I completely believe it. 

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